
About Us

The Economic Analysis and Policy Division (EAPD)* provides research and policy analysis on global macroeconomic trends and prospects, frontier issues, emerging issues, and issues associated with countries in special situations, in the broad context of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  EAPD also serves as the Secretariat to the Committee for Development Policy, an independent advisory body to the Economic and Social Council which provides recommendations on cross-cutting development issues and reviews the status of countries in the least developed country (LDC) category.  EAPD manages capacity development projects in developing countries, providing assistance through research, training and workshops.

The Economic Analysis and Policy Division:

  • Provides analysis and policy research on global macroeconomic issues and trends and their implications for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Analyses frontier issues, emerging issues, and economic issues associated with countries in conflict and countries in special situations, in the context of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
  • Serves as Secretariat of the Committee for Development Policy.
  • Provides capacity development assistance to developing countries.


The Office of the Director (OD) coordinates the main activities of the Division. The OD manages the Division’s human resource and programme management and coordinates the production and distribution of the Division’s official documents, publications and research papers. The OD oversees the Division’s multi-media outreach.

The Development Policy Branch (DPB) manages capacity development activities and provides assistance to countries through research, training and workshops. Its focus is on providing development-oriented policy advice based on the use of quantitative modelling tools with respect to the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development and improving capacities of least developed countries (LDCs) to prepare for graduation from the LDC category. The Branch serves as the Secretariat for the Committee for Development Policy (CDP), to which it provides substantive and organizational support.

The Development Research Branch (DRB) identifies and leads research on frontier and emerging issues, as well as other economic challenges for countries in conflict and countries in special situations. DRB produces policy-oriented research papers and hosts briefings and seminars responsive to the needs of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and Member States. DRB produces the World Social Report (WSR), in collaboration with UN DESA’s Division for Inclusive Social Development and other United Nations agencies, covering selected long-term development issues and policies, particularly those which cross-cut the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. DRB led the production of the , published annually by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs from 1948 to 2018.

The Global Economic Monitoring Branch (GEMB) monitors and analyses global economic trends and prospects and their implications for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Using its World Economic Forecasting Model, GEMB produces globally consistent economic forecasts for a large number of developed, emerging and developing economies. GEMB leads the production and dissemination of the (WESP) – the definitive report of the United Nations system on the state of the global economy – in partnership with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the five United Nations Regional Commissions and the United Nations World Tourism Organization. GEMB also provides policy advice and capacity development support to developing countries on macroeconomic modelling and policy options, emphasizing the need for stronger linkages between short-term macroeconomic and long-term development policies.

The Secretariat of the Committee for Development Policy (CDP) provides substantive and administrative assistance to the Committee, a subsidiary body of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). CDP provides inputs and independent advice to ECOSOC on emerging cross-sectoral development issues and on international cooperation for development, focusing on medium- and long-term aspects.  While servicing meetings of the CDP, the Secretariat formulates and implements its own substantive work programme, including quantitative and qualitative analyses, particularly relating to the and the (LDCs). The Secretariat prepares reports to the ECOSOC, the General Assembly and other policy-making organs, as appropriate, including on the identification and graduation of least developed countries; unilateral coercive measures; and third States affected by United Nations sanctions.

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