
Available assistance to and measures that may be taken by developing States, in particular the least developed States and Small Island Developing States (SIDS), as well as coastal African States, to realize the benefits of sustainable and effective development of marine resources and uses of the oceans within the limits of national jurisdiction

Study prepared by the Secretariat

Updated on 21 July 2010

- Available assistance to and measures that may be taken by developing States, in particular the least developed States and Small Island Developing States (SIDS), as well as coastal African States, to realize the benefits of sustainable and effective development of marine resources and uses of the oceans within the limits of national jurisdiction - Study prepared by the Secretariat

I. Introduction

1.        In paragraph 88 of resolution 61/222 adopted by the General Assembly on 20 December 2006, the Assembly requested the Secretary-General “to prepare a study, in cooperation with and based on information provided by States and competent international organizations and global and regional funding agencies, on the available assistance to and measures that may be taken by developing States, in particular the least developed States and Small Island Developing States (SIDS), as well as coastal African States, to realize the benefits of sustainable and effective development of marine resources and uses of the oceans within the limits of national jurisdiction”. The Assembly also requested the Secretary-General “to present the study to the Sixty-third Session of the Assembly".

2.        By a note dated 15 January 2007, the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs, requested Permanent Missions of Member States to transmit, by the end of May 2007, relevant information requested in paragraph 88 of the resolution. The Division subsequently sent a similar request to the competent international organizations and global and regional funding agencies (see paragraph 161).

3.        In response to its note, the Division received information from Benin (12 July 2007), Germany (8 June 2007), Japan (5 June 2007), Mexico (14 May 2007), Norway (18 July 2007) and Sri Lanka (2 May 2007).

4.        In paragraph 102 of resolution 62/215 Oceans and the Law of the Sea, adopted by the General Assembly on 22 December 2007, the Assembly urge[d] States and competent international organizations and global and regional funding agencies to provide further information, and requested the study to be prepared in continuing cooperation with such States and organizations, and based on information so provided or disseminated and otherwise available in the public domain.

5.        Following the adoption of that resolution, the Division transmitted, through letters dated 17 and 29 January 2008, another request to States and specialized agencies, programmes and bodies of the United Nations system, as well as other international organizations, for additional information.

6.        In response to these communications, the Division received information from Australia (14 August 2008), Cuba (25 April 2008), Iraq (9 April 2008), Mauritius (7 September 2007), Panama (22 May 2008), Peru (24 August 2007), Spain (13 March 2008 and 13 June 2008), and Sri Lanka (9 April 2008). It also received replies from specialized agencies, programmes and bodies of the United Nations system and other international organizations, namely from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (22 April 2008), Asian Development Bank (ADB) (23 April 2008), Basel Convention (12 February 2008), Convention on Biological Biodiversity (31 March 2008), the International Hydrographic Bureau (IHO) (10 March 2008), the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (28 February 2008), and the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (9 June 2008). In addition, the Division undertook an extensive research on information disseminated and otherwise available in the public domain.

7.        The Division would like to express its gratitude for all the input provided by the above-mentioned States, specialized agencies, programmes and bodies of the United Nations system and other international organizations. The review of the responses revealed certain common key elements for the realization by the developing States of the benefits of sustainable and effective development of marine resources and uses of the oceans within the limits of national jurisdiction. Some responses also elaborated on assistance available to developing States. In view of the valuable information contained in those responses, they are published on this website, together with other relevant material.

Link to document - Available assistance to and measures that may be taken by developing States, in particular the least developed States and Small Island Developing States (SIDS), as well as coastal African States, to realize the benefits of sustainable and effective development of marine resources and uses of the oceans within the limits of national jurisdiction - Study prepared by the Secretariat

II. Replies from States

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Australia - 14 August 2008 | Benin - 12 July 2007 | Cuba - 25 April 2008 | Germany - 8 June 2007 | Iraq (E/A)- 9 April 2008 |  Japan - 5 June 2007 | Mauritius - 7 September 2007 | Mexico (E/F/S) - 14 May 2007 | Norway - 18 July 2007 | Panama - 22 May 2008 | Peru (E/S)- 24 August 2007 | Spain - (1) 13 March 2008 (E/S) and (2) 13 June 2008 | Sri Lanka - (1) 2 May 2007 - and - (2) 9 April 2008 |

III. Replies from specialized agencies, programmes and bodies of the United Nations system and other international organizations

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - 22 April 2008 |  Asian Development Bank (ADB) - 23 April 2008 | Basel Convention (12 February 2008), Convention on Biological Biodiversity - 31 March 2008 |  International Hydrographic Bureau (IHO) - 10 March 2008 | Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States - 28 February 2008 |  Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission - 9 June 2008 |

IV. Assistance to be provided

Australia | Germany | Japan | Norway | Spain 1 | Spain 2 |

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | Asian Development Bank (ADB) | Convention on Biological Biodiversity | International Hydrographic Bureau (IHO) | Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission |

Capacity-building programmes offered by DOALOS: The United Nations - The Nippon Foundation of Japan Fellowship Programme - Human Resources Development and Advancement of the Legal Order of the World's Oceans

V. Measures to be taken

Australia | Benin | Cuba | Germany | Iraq (E/A) | Japan | Mauritius | Mexico (E/F/S) | Norway | Panama | Peru | Spain 1 | Spain 2 | Sri Lanka 1 | Sri Lanka 2 |

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | Asian Development Bank (ADB) | Basel Convention | Convention on Biological Biodiversity | International Hydrographic Bureau (IHO) | Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States | Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission |

VI. Other relevant material

A/46/722 - Law of the Sea: Realization of benefits under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: Measures undertaken in response to needs of States in regard to development and management of ocean resources, and approaches for further action (Report of the Secretary-General) * * *
A/45/712 - Law of the Sea: Realization of benefits under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: Needs of States in regard to development and management of ocean resources (Report of the Secretary-General) * * *

A Select Bibliography and documents in public domain

National and multilateral initiatives, existing or under development

Prepared by the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations.

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