

UNBIS Guidelines for Name Authorities : Policies and Practice

  • Geographic qualifiers
  • Other qualifiers
  • Proposed bodies
  • UN bodies
  • Subordinate bodies
  • Government officials
  • Chair. Chairman or chairperson
  • Acting Office-holders
  • Direct or indirect subheading
  • Modifying terms
  • Name changes

  • - AACR2, Chapter 24: Headings for Corporate Bodies

    - See also, MARC21 format standards in the .

    Geographic Qualifiers

      Qualifier: information added in parentheses after a name for the purpose of clarification

    One way in which UNBIS practice has differed from AACR2 is in the addition of geographic qualifiers not only to conference names but also to some categories of corporate names.

    The location of a corporate body is indicated unless it is an international body or the name contains a geographic component. If an organization is national in character, add the name of the country.

    If the place name is Geneva, New York [City] or the capital of a country, do not include the name of the country in the qualifier. For cities in the United States, use the abbreviations for U.S. states found in AACR2, Appendix 14.B. We do not, however, use abbreviations for place names in Australia and Canada, nor do we specify states or provinces. Thus, for example: Sydney, Australia and Vancouver, Canada. For place names in the UK, add England, Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales, as appropriate. The English conventional form of the place name is preferred (e.g., Vienna, not Wien; Santiago, not Santiago de Chile).

      International Accounting Standards Board
      International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
      World Chlorine Council
      Cinzano (Firm : San Juan, Argentina)
      Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales (Buenos Aires)
      Fundación Miguel Lillo (San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina)
      Fundación Friedrich Ebert en Argentina
      Universidad de Buenos Aires. Centro de Estudios Avanzados
      McCoubrey Centre for International Law (Hull, Canada)
      John Bartholomew and Son (Edinburgh, Scotland)
      Ford Foundation (New York)
      Faxon Company (Boston, Mass.)
    Note: As a geographic qualifier for a corporate name, the name of the country should appear in direct order, not in the inverted form used for some countries in alphabetical listings. For example:

      111 2 _ $a Conference "Oil and Gas in the 1990s : Prospects for Cooperation" (1991 : Isfahan, Islamic Republic of Iran)

      not: (1991 : Isfahan, Iran (Islamic Republic of))

    Other Qualifiers - (see also, AACR2, 24.4)

    If the name alone does not convey the idea of a corporate body, add a general designation in English. Note, however, that this practice seems to be diminishing-see the last three examples. Or at least it may not be necessary if the first element in the heading is clearly a corporate body.

      110 2 _ $a Social Science Monographs (Firm : Boulder, Colo.)
      110 2 _ $a Minneapolis Star (Firm)
      110 2 _ $a EngenderHealth (Firm)
      110 2 _ $a Geoprojects (Firm : Reading (England))
      110 2 _ $a World Tel (Firm : Canada)
      110 2 _ $a Human Rights First (Organization)
      110 2 _ $a African and Middle East Refugee Assistance (Organization : United Kingdom)
      110 2 _ $a STOP (Organization : India)
      110 2 _ $a Asia Cooperation Dialogue (Organization)
      110 2 _ $a GS1 (Organization)
      110 2 _ $a Ma Qualcuno Pensi ad Abele (Organization)


      110 2 _ $a IBRD. Africa Technical Families
      110 2 _ $a UN. ECE. Committee on Economic Cooperation and Integration. Public-Private Partnerships
      110 2 _ $a UNDP. Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States

    Proposed bodies

    Add «P°ù´Ç±è´Ç²õ±ð»å» in parentheses after the name. Update the heading, as well as all ancillary headings, when the body is established, for example, by a UN resolution.

      110 2 _ $a Disaster Management International Space Coordination Organization (Proposed)

    UN bodies

    One of the difficult things about establishing the heading for a new UN body is that the final form of its name may not be decided upon for some time after it is first discussed. For example, it could be proposed first in draft resolutions, then established by a General Assembly (or other major organ) resolution, where it may still only be referred to in terms of its function, e.g., Committee to Consider … ; sometimes only later, when the new body starts to meet and issue documents will the final form of the name emerge. The trick is to recognize all the variant forms by which it was referred in the germination process and bring them all together in one record. The ancillary records with subfield $g modifiers (e.g., «Terms of reference») must also be updated when the final version is known.

    Names of UN bodies are often very long, especially when subordinate bodies and sessional information is added. In some cases, at the request of the Indexing Unit, a shorter form of a name has been established. For example (in this case, a conference):

      111 2 _ $a Review Conference of the States Parties to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons
    The complete form of the name is given as a cross-reference:
      411 2 _ $a Review Conference of the States Parties to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects
    Subordinate bodies

    In general, corporate bodies are entered subordinately to a parent body when the name contains a term that implies that the body is part of another, e.g., a department, division, committee or group of experts. This has been applied rather loosely to UN names, at least in part because of their often unwieldy length. Thus, in UNBIS one will often find a division or an ad hoc group appended directly to the top term in the hierarchy, i.e., the UN.

      110 2 _ $a UN. Programme Planning and Budget Division
      410 2 _ $a UN. Office for Programme Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. Programme Planning and Budget Division
      410 2 _ $a UN. Office of Programme Planning, Budget and Finance. Programme Planning and Budget Division
      410 2 _ $a UN. Office of Programme Planning, Budget and Accounts. Programme Planning and Budget Division
    (Note that the cross-references reflect the fact that the immediately higher element in the hierarchy (Office) has changed over time, but the name of the division has stayed the same).


      110 2 _ $a UN. Programme Planning and Budget Division. Policy Coordination Unit
      410 2 _ $a UN. Office of Programme Planning, Budget and Accounts. Programme Planning and Budget Division. Policy Coordination Unit:
    Note that the name of the higher body may be an integral part of the name. For example, in the case below, the Centre for International Crime Prevention is not entered subordinately to the UN in the established heading.
      110 2 _ $a UN Centre for International Crime Prevention
    Government Officials - see AACR2 24.20

    Enter heads of governments acting in their official capacity under the heading for the jurisdiction, followed by the title of the official in the vernacular. Enter heads of international intergovernmental organizations under the heading for the organization, followed by the title of the official. Rule 24.20F stipulates that any other official should be entered under the heading for the ministry or agency the official represents. Thus, the Library of Congress heading for the U.S. Secretary of State is "United States. Dept. of State". In UNBIS this rule cannot always be strictly observed because more precision may be required. In indexing records, for example, it may be necessary to identify individuals by the position they hold within an organizational framework. Thus, there are two separate headings for:

      110 2 _ $a UN. Under-Secretary-General for ¹ú²úAVkeeping Operations
      110 2 _ $a UN. Department of ¹ú²úAVkeeping Operations. Office of the Under-Secretary-General
    Chair. Chairman or Chairperson?

    This is an unresolved issue and there is no stated UN editorial policy. UN documents reflect the usage of the various bodies whose proceedings are being reported.

    Acting office-holders

    Normally, when an individual holds an office on a temporary basis, he nevertheless represents the office and therefore the qualifying term "acting" or "temporary" would not be added to the corporate name heading. An exception is made for the Index to Speeches, in which a speaker must be accurately identified and it is necessary, therefore, to maintain the distinction between a permanent and a temporary office-holder.

    Direct or indirect subheading

    A subordinate body may be entered as a subheading of the lowest element in the hierarchy that is entered under its own name. One intervening level in the hierarchy may be omitted but the complete hierarchy should be shown in a cross-reference. Names of UN bodies sometimes are so long and complicated, however, that at times liberty is taken with this guideline simply for the sake of expediency.

      110 2 _ $a UN. ECE. Working Party on Agricultural Quality Standards
      410 2 _ $a UN. ECE. Committee for Trade, Industry and Enterprise Development. Working Party on Agricultural Quality Standards
    In this case, "Committee for Trade, Industry and Enterprise Development" is the omitted intervening level of hierarchy, but it must be shown it in a cross-reference to make it clear to what body the Working Party is directly subordinate. If a subordinate body has a more generic name, such as "Legal Subcommittee", it would have to be coupled with the body immediately above it in the hierarchy to specify to which committee this particular subcommittee belonged--because any committee could have a "legal subcommittee".
      110 2 _ $a UN. Committee on the ¹ú²úAVful Uses of Outer Space. Legal Subcommittee
      110 2 _ $a UN. ESCAP. Committee on Poverty Reduction. Subcommittee on Statistics
    Where feasible, show the complete hierarchy in the cross-references.
      110 2 _ $a UN. Subcommittee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals

      410 2 _ $a UN. Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals. Subcommittee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals

      410 2 _ $a UN. Economic and Social Council. Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals. Subcommittee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals

    Note: There must be an established heading record for each element in the hierarchy.

    Thus, in the example directly above, «UN. Economic and Social Council» is an established heading, as is «UN. Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goodsand on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals».

    Modifying terms

    In UNBIS bibliographic records, certain of an administrative, organizational or procedural nature may be entered in subfield $g of 610 tags in order to create pre-coordinated corporate subjects.

      [authority record no. 604811]
      110 2 _ $a UN. ESCAP. Committee on Regional Economic Cooperation $g Work programme (2002-2003)
    A separate authority record, a «p²¹°ù±ð²Ô³Ù» or «p°ù¾±³¾²¹°ù²â» record, must be created for the corporate body, in this case the «UN. ESCAP. Committee on Regional Economic Cooperation». Do not add anything to the system-generated record containing the $g subfield.
      [authority record no. 605224]
      110 2 _ $a UN. ESCAP. Committee on Regional Economic Cooperation
    Name changes

    (See AACR2 24.1C and UNBIS Reference Manual for Name Authority Records)

    Very often, corporate bodies will their change name. Sometimes the change is minor, in which case the latest variation of the name is added as a cross-reference to the established heading record. If the change is significant, the new name is established and reciprocal See also cross-references link the two records. To indicate which is the earlier and which the later form, add subfield $w to each 510 cross-reference, with the subfield a assigned to the earlier form and b indicating the later form. Ideally, the subfield $w would generate an automatic display, in the author and subject indexes, of «See also earlier heading» and «See also later heading», but unfortunately this has not yet been implemented in the current UNBIS platform. A heading may be linked only with the immediately preceding or the immediately succeeding heading. If it cannot be determined with certainty, do not link the two records.

    Note: There may be other reasons for creating reciprocal links between records, in which case there is no explanatory subfield.

      111 2 _ $a Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe
      510 2 _ $w b $a Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

      110 2 _ $a Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
      511 2 _ $w a $a Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe

      110 2 _ $a UN. ECE. Ad Hoc Group of Experts on the Supply of Fossil Fuels
      510 2 _ $w b $a UN. ECE. Ad Hoc Group of Experts on the Harmonization of Energy Reserves/Resources Terminology

      110 2 _ $a UN. ECE. Ad Hoc Group of Experts on the Harmonization of Energy Reserves/Resources Terminology
      510 2 _ $w a $a UN. ECE. Ad Hoc Group of Experts on the Supply of Fossil Fuels
      510 2 _ $w b $a UN. ECE. Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Harmonization of Fossil Energy and Mineral Resources Terminology

    Note that the «Ad Hoc Group of Experts on the Harmonization of Energy Reserves/Resources Terminology» has two 510 cross-references linking it to the preceding and succeeding bodies. It can become very complicated, with names reverting to earlier forms of name and so forth. It may be helpful to add an explanatory 680 note to explain the history of the changes.

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    Last updated: 15 April 2010