


930 PRODUCT CODE - Codes
 UND code - abbreviations of the months

Currently used codes
No longer used codes

Product Codes

Dag Hammarskjöld Library maintains the list of Product Codes used in UNBIS. Requests for new Product Codes should be submitted to DHL for approval. Change of status of currently used codes should be informed to DHL as well.

Currently used codes
ACQ - Acquisitions Section (DHL)
ANA - Serial analytics (DHL)
[Serials analyzed for UN bibliographic records at the issue or article level]
ATJ - Administrative Tribunal Judgements digitization project (DHL)
CAT - Public catalogue (DHL)
CON - Retrospective serials conversion project (DHL)
CSD - Ceased serial publications (DHL)
CTB - Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organization
DIG - Digitization
EMJ - E-mail journal (DHL)
ERL - Electronic resources list (DHL)
ESA - Statistical Reference Collection (DHL)
GAD - General Assembly documents (DHL)
[retrospective indexing]
GEO - United Nations Sheet Maps (DHL)
GSC - Governmental Serials Checklist (DHL)
HUR - Human rights bibliography (UNOG Library)
ISC - Intergovernmental Serials Checklist (DHL)
ITPA - Index to Proceedings (ITP) - General Assembly (DHL)
[Used when documents of other sessions are used for the current session,
i.e. ITPA58 = ITP General Assembly 58th session]
ITPE - Index to Proceedings (ITP) - Economic and Social Council (DHL)
[Used when documents of other sessions are used for the current session,
i.e. ITPE04s = ITP ECOSOC substantive session of 2004]
ITPS - Index to Proceedings (ITP) - Security Council (DHL)
[Used when documents of other sessions are used for the current session,
i.e. ITPS63 = ITP Security Council 63rd session]

ITS - Index to Speeches (DHL)
LAN - Translation Division Reference Collection (DHL)
LSA - Legal and Political Affairs Reference Collection (DHL)
MAP - Map Reference Collection (DHL)
MOS - Monographic series (DHL)
NSC - Non-Governmental Serials Checklist (DHL)
NWS - Newspapers (DHL)
OHC - Oral History Collection (DHL)
PER - UN Documents Index, Current periodicals section
SCD - Security Council documents (DHL)
[retrospective indexing]
SGS - Statements of the Secretary-General and Deputy Secretary-General (DHL)
SID - Serial individual issue (DHL)
[Serial titles classed together, but catalogued separately]
SSC - Specialized agencies serials (DHL)
SYMXXX98 - Series Symbol records
[For new entries starting from 1997]

UND - United Nations Documents Index
UNS - Materials about the UN; materials by and about UN specialized agencies (DHL)
VOT - Voting record (DHL)
WWW - Electronic resource
[URL is linked to the record]

[For UN documents that are available on the Official Document System (ODS), an 856 field for each language version of the document is added automatically to bibliographic records, providing direct links to the ODS texts. For these automatically-generated 856 fields, a WWW code is not added]
XUC - X classified periodicals, gazettes (DHL)
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No longer used codes
ADM - United Nations administrative issuances (DHL)
APA - Centre against Apartheid (DHL)
ARC - Archives Reference Collection (DHL)
CAM - Cambodia Situation (DHL)
CBI - Current Bibliographical Information (DHL)
CDR - UNBIS sample records (DHL)
[Sent to Chadwyck-Healey for the production of UNBIS Plus on CD-ROM]
CHC - UNBIS sample records (DHL)
[Sent to Chadwyck-Healey for the production of UNBIS Plus on CD-ROM]
CTC - Transnational Corporations : a Selective Bibliography (DHL)
CUM83 - Series Symbol records
[Included in the September 1983 UNDOC: Current Index, New document series symbols section]

CWA - ESCWA indexing records (DHL)
[Records sent and loaded into Horizon in an effort to promote shared indexing]
DAA - Documents alert (DHL)
DES - DESA publications (DHL)
DET - Deterrence (DHL)
DHA - Department of Humanitarian Assistance CD-ROM (DHL)
DPG - UNDP Governing Council decisions (DHL)
DPS - UNDP Governing Council decisions. Supplement (DHL)
DRM - Disarmament, ¹ú²úAV and Security (DHL)
ECE - Documents of the ECE Committee on the Development of Trade and the ECE Inland Transport Committee
ERI - Eritrea (DHL)
EWA - Senior Advisers to ECE Governments on Environment and Water Problems (UNOG Library)
GMA - Monthly Bibliography. Part 1, books, Serials, official documents (UNOG Library)
GMB - Monthly Bibliography. Part 2, selected articles (UNOG Library)
GPC - Public catalogue (UNOG Library)
GTD - Trade and Development resolutions and decisions (UNOG Library)
GWB - Weekly Bibliography (UNOG Library)
- Human rights resolutions (DHL)
HURCD - Human rights bibliography CD-ROM (UNOG Library)
- International Court of Justice (DHL)
IRK - Iraq (DHL)
JYB - United Nations Juridical Yearbook (DHL)
KOS - Kosovo documents alert (DHL)
- Mozambique (DHL)
- Nuclear non-proliferation (DHL)
- Official Document System records reload (DHL)
OFR - Official records (DHL)
PAL - Palestine Bibliography (DHL)
PAX - ¹ú²úAV Bibliography (DHL)
PBP - ¹ú²úAVkeeping Best Practice (DHL)
[Used for DPKO collection]
PIL - Public International Law bibliography (DHL)
RLT - Serials analyzed (DHL) for Non-UN Bibliographic Records (DHL)
RUL - Staff rules and Staff regulations of the United Nations (DHL)
RWA - Rwanda (DHL)
SAH - Bibliography on the Western Sahara (DHL)
SAL - UN documents Index, UN Sales publications section (DHL)
SCR - Security Council resolutions (DHL)
[Used for the Index to Resolutions of the Security Council, 1946-1996]
SCS - Security Council resolutions awaiting inclusion in SCR (DHL)
[Used for the Index to Resolutions of the Security Council, 1946-1996]
SER - Serials (DHL)
[Converted from the UNSER database]
SLV - El Salvador Situation (DHL)
SOM - Somalia (DHL)
SRL - Current Bibliographical Information, recently acquired serials section (DHL)
SYMXXX92 - Series Symbol records
[For new entries up to 1996]

SYMXXX97 - Series Symbol records
[For entries created for a special project to include the 1946-1977 data]
TES - United Nations Training and Examination Service (DHL)
TST - Test set of data (DHL)
UDI - UN Documents Index
[Used for the quarterly publication, the issue and year are entered as QNYY (Q = "quarterly", N = the issue number of the volume (1, 2, 3 or 4), YY = the last 2 digits of the year), i.e. UDIQ406]
UPC - Catfile (UNBIS Plus) (DHL)
UPD - Docfile (UNBIS Plus) (DHL)
UPQ - Speech records (UNBIS Plus) (DHL)
UPV - Voting records (UNBIS Plus) (DHL)
WDN - Withdrawn serial analytic record (DHL)
[Used in a serial analytic record (BLEVEL=A) when the serial title has been withdrawn from the DHL collection]
- Women (DHL)
YBP - Yearbook project (DHL)
[Yearbook project (Publications and Editorial Cluster; used during the period 16/11/2012-15/02/2013]
YOU - Youth (DHL)
ZAF - United Nations and Apartheid (DHL)
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Maintained by the Department of Public Information (DPI), Dag Hammarskjöld Library. Comments as well as suggestions for further additions/enhancements may be directed to the Dag Hammarskjöld Library.
© United Nations 2003-2009. All rights reserved

Last updated: 5 April 2010