

About the Programme

The United Nations Countering Terrorist Travel ('CT Travel') Programme, a flagship global initiative of the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), assists beneficiary Member States in building their capabilities to detect and counter terrorism and serious crimes by using Advance Passenger Information (API) and Passenger Name Record (PNR) data to improve the use of international databases with known and suspected terrorists and criminals, and enhance international information exchange, in accordance with Security Council resolutions (2014), (2017), and (2019), international standards and recommended practices and human rights principles.

The Secretary-General officially launched the Programme on 7 May 2019. Five years on, CT Travel is working closely with 82 Member States, 61 are beneficiaries of the comprehensive technical assistance, six (6) Member States (Austria, Belgium, France, Hungary, Ireland, and the United States of America), and one (1) regional organization (CARICOM on behalf of 15 countries) have become strategic partners.

In an ''One-UN'' partnership with the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED), the , the , the , the and in close cooperation with the , the Programme comprehensively assists beneficiary Member States in legislative, operational, transport industry engagement, and technology support areas. This includes the donation and deployment of the United Nations ‘goTravel’ software system. The Programme has been designed in accordance with human rights principles and United Nations policies in this regard.

The United Nations Countering Terrorist Travel ('CT Travel') Programme is co-funded by strategic investments and in-kind support from the European Union, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the State of Qatar, Germany, Australia, the United States of America, the Republic of India, Japan, Hungary, and the Republic of Korea.

The United Nations Countering Terrorist Travel Programme (presentation)