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Learn more about diversifying UNCCT's donor base to ensure sustainable and predictable funding for multi-year programmatic activities in 'Funding and donors'.
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UNCCT 5-Year Programme
With the launch of the UNCCT 5-Year Programme in January 2016, UNCCT enhanced its efforts to obtain un-earmarked funding through engaging Member States to co-fund its various projects and initiatives. This allowed the Centre to cover a broader spectrum of its thematic and geographic areas, while maintaining the consistent implementation of the 5-Year Programme.
In 2018, the Centre¡¯s funding base increased significantly, which contributed to enhancing the sustainability of Centre¡¯s staffing and programmatic activities. UNCCT continues to be heavily reliant on extrabudgetary resources for the implementation of its mandate.
As of 30 June 2019, thirty (30) Member States have contributed to the UN Trust Fund for Counter-Terrorism since its inception in 2009. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the State of Qatar, the Netherlands, the European Union, the United States of America, Norway, Japan, Spain, the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom are among the top ten donors to the Trust Fund.
Member States have expressed their interest in supporting capacity-building projects in a number of priority areas, in particular strategic communications and other PCVE issues, foreign terrorist fighters, border security and management, API/PNR, countering terrorist financing, cyber security, human rights, victims of terrorism, civil society and youth engagement, in support of the comprehensive and balanced implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.
Geographical reach
The voluntary contributions received from donors allowed UNCCT to increase its geographical reach and the scope of activities in Central Asia and South-East Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, the G5 Sahel and CARICOM.