The United Nations Procurement Division (UNPD) is currently conducting a Pilot project to evaluate the feasibility, challenges, and benefits of using an electronic tendering (e-tendering) solution as an integral component of its procurement process.
UNPD wants to take advantage of web-based technology and provide its vendors with the possibility to submit Bids and Proposals in a convenient and secure electronic manner. The main objectives we are seeking to accomplish are efficiency gains, reduced printing and storage requirements, increased competition, anytime-anywhere participation in solicitations by our vendors, more time for vendors to prepare tenders, enhanced internal controls, process automation and advanced reporting.
At this time only Request for Quotation (RFQ) solicitation exercises for Communication and Information Technology requirements will be part of the Pilot. Meaning that for these RFQs, the process starting from sending the invitation to participate up until the submission of responses by vendors will be taking place on-line, effectively replacing the use of e-mail, fax or hand-delivery to be invited to and/or respond to tenders.
UNPD expects the Pilot phase to start in February 2015 and continue for at least 3 months in order to gather the necessary feedback allowing us to evaluate the program. During the Pilot phase, UNPD might decide to extend the duration or scope (e.g. inclusion of other commodities and/or solicitation instruments).
How can I participate in the business opportunities that will be part of this Pilot?
- Since you will access electronic tenders you have been invited to through UNGM (), you need to ensure that you have access to your UNGM account. The UNGM website allows you to recover a forgotten password if required.
- As you access your company’s UNGM account please make sure that i) the ‘declaration of eligibility’ is completed, ii) personal or contact information is correct, iii) your UNGM registration has been submitted with the ‘UN Secretariat’, and iv) you have identified the relevant UNSPSC codes of goods and services your company can provide.
- You will be able to access closed Tenders you have been invited to from the “My tenders/contracts” link in the navigation window on the left of the UNGM website.
- More detailed information can be found in the following 2 documents:
Next steps?
Forthcoming invitations to participate in RFQs for Communication and Information Technology requirements will be sent out via the e-tendering platform. Invited companies will be notified of new tenders posted via email (sent from
What to do if I have additional questions?
All questions about the e-tendering Pilot can be addressed via email to