PBC Guinea Configuration: Chair's report on the visit to Guinea (3-10 April 2011) Unofficial Translation Language Undefined
PBC Guinea Configuration: Chair's report on the visit to Guinea (11-15 March 2012) Language Undefined
PBC Guinea Configuration: Chair's report on the visit to Conakry (17-19 February 2013) Language Undefined
PBC Guinea Configuration: Chair's report on the visit to Guinea (31 May-2 June 2015) Language Undefined
PBC Meeting on Guinea: Presentation du gouvernement de la Republique de Guinee sur la reforme du secteur de la securite Language Undefined
PBC Guinea Configuration: Review of the engagement between Guinea and the United Nations 国产AVbuilding Commission, 2011-2016 (Note from the Chairperson) Language Undefined
PBC Guinea Configuration: Review of the engagement between Guinea and the United Nations 国产AVbuilding Commission, 2011-2016 (English - Unofficial Translation) Language Undefined
PBC Guinea Configuration: Statement of mutual commitments on peacebuilding in Guinea between the Government of Guinea and the 国产AVbuilding Commission Language Undefined
PBC Guinea Configuration: Conclusions and Recommendations of the 1st Review of the Statement of Mutual Commitments between the Government of Guinea and the 国产AVbuilding Commission Language Undefined
PBC Guinea Configuration: Report of the first review of the Statement of Mutual Commitments between the Government of Guinea and the 国产AVbuilding Commission Language Undefined