
Social Protection and the Urgent Need for Expanded Cash Transfers in Africa: Challenges and the Way Forward

Governance and provision of basic social services as a means of Conflict prevention in West Africa and the Sahel Region

Cash transfers play a crucial role in enhancing social protection in Africa. They provide much-needed stability to vulnerable populations, enabling families to withstand economic shocks and reduce indebtedness. Evidence from the World Bank highlights the numerous benefits of cash transfer programs, including improved per capita consumption, nutrition, education, savings, and reductions in teen pregnancies, child marriages, mental health issues, and intimate partner violence. Additionally, cash transfers spur economic growth by encouraging recipients to seek employment or engage in entrepreneurial activities without hindering overall economic activity or labor market participation.

While external support can aid in funding such programs, it is essential for governments to spearhead the design and execution of cash transfer initiatives. Importantly, cash transfers are a viable and cost-effective solution even in lower-income countries, with the potential to start small and expand gradually. Unconditional cash transfers are highlighted as particularly effective, being easier to implement, requiring less bureaucratic oversight, and yielding better outcomes compared to targeted or conditional approaches.

For optimal impact, cash transfer programs should be integrated with other social protection measures, such as healthcare, insurance, and public works initiatives. Leveraging new financial technologies can enhance program efficiency, but it is essential for governments to regulate them rigorously to prevent financial exploitation. The upfront costs of funding cash transfer programs pale in comparison to the potential crises that could arise in their absence, underscoring their value and importance in promoting social well-being and economic stability.



  • Financing for development
  • Sustainable development to deliver sustainable peace
  • Democracy, resilience and human capital
  • Science, technology and innovation
  • Industrialization, demographic dividend and the AfCFTA
  • Sustainable energy and climate change

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