
Solving Paradoxes of Africa's Development: Financing, Energy and Food Systems

The Nexus as a "Multiplier Intervention"

The interrelation between the financing, energy and food paradoxes has a multiplying impact. Therefore, addressing this nexus in a comprehensive manner is critical to achieve long-term solutions to solve these paradoxes. Domestic resource mobilization (DRM) is considered a game changer, as it is the only element that can propitiate a shift from a development model dependent on external priorities to internally driven development strategies. Energy is approached as an indispensable driver to ignite transformative change in all areas of development, from digitalization to health and industrialization. Food systems transformation is the key to resilience. And institutions are the enablers that can ensure the effectiveness of the intervention. Discerning the factors that will allow solving each of the paradoxes is indispensable to designing these interventions.

Infographic about leveraging the nexus to solve Africa's triple paradoxes

Infographic about leveraging the nexus to solve Africa's triple paradoxes

Key Recommendations

Addressing the financing, energy, and food system paradoxes will be crucial to unleashing Africa’s potential.
The Report provides a set of policy recommendations to achieve this objective, including the following.

Domestic Resource Mobilization

Prioritize consolidating robust domestic resource mobilization systems for de-risking SDG investments.

Regulatory Frameworks

Promote sound regulatory frameworks in the energy sector for innovation and competition.

Africa Continental Free Trade Area

Implement the AfCFTA to unlock the potential of Africa’s agri-food value chains.

Frontier Technologies

Invest in frontier technologies to mainstream African products in global green technology value chains.


Invest in human capital for the right knowledge and skills in agricultural transformation.

Global Financial System

Take the lead in calling for a comprehensive reform of the global financial system.