
SIDS GBN - Resources


Guidelines on Cooperation between the United Nations and the Private Sector


UN Publications – Private Sector

  • – Global Compact

  • – Global Compact

  •  – Global Compact

  • – Global Compact

  •  – Global Compact

  • – Bertelsmann Stiftung/Global Compact

  • – Bertelsmann Stiftung/Global Compact

  • – Deloitte, Istanbul International Centre for Private Sector in Development, UNDP

  • – ILO

  • – UNIDO, Global Compact

  • – International Trade Centre

  •  – UNISDR

  • – FAO



Managing Partnerships

  • – United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

  •  – International Business Leaders Forum

  •  – business.un.org

  •  – International Business Leaders Forum on behalf of The Partnering Initiative

  •  – The Partnering Initiative

  •  – The Partnering Initiative


Monitoring and Evaluation

  •  – The Partnering Initiative

  •  – The Partnering Initiative

  •  – The Partnering Initiative

  •  – The Partnering Initiative


SDG Industry Matrix

Industry-specific examples and ideas for corporate action related to the SDGs by KPMG & United Nations Global Compact


Regional Private Sector Publications


