
Regional Reviews

With General Assembly resolution  adopted in August 2020, the two regional review meetings in Malawi and Bangladesh are rescheduled to to February and April 2021. These will be organised in close collaboration with both host countries, as well as the  and the , and will involve all LDCs and their development partners.  

The is organizing a virtual sub-regional review meeting focusing on four Arab LDCs, namely  Yemen, Somalia, Mauritania and Sudan. The sub-regional meeting is scheduled for 18 February 2021 from 2pm to 5pm (Beirut time). More information is forthcoming.



Asia-Pacific Review

The Asia-Pacific Regional Review Meeting (also covering Yemen) will be held in Dhaka, co-organized by OHRLLS with the Government of Bangladesh and ESCAP in collaboration with various other UN agencies. It will have a special focus on graduation in the context of COVID-19 as 9 out of 12 Asia-Pacific LDCs are at some stage in the graduation pipeline. This meeting will also focus on strategies and policy measures at the national, regional and global levels to ensure smooth transition and accelerate the implementation of the SDGs by the Asia-Pacific LDCs.

Africa Review

The Africa Regional Review Meeting (also covering Haiti) is scheduled to be held virtually from 22 to 26 February 2021, co-organized by OHRLLS with the Government of Malawi and ECA in collaboration with various other UN agencies. It will provide a unique opportunity to review the implementation of the IPoA in the region, as 33 out of 46 LDCs are located in Africa. The outcome document will be an African LDCs Ministerial Declaration which is expected to outline components of a renewed partnership for sustainable development between the African LDCs and their development partners.