Judge Adda
Under the revised Appendix D, a claimant wishing to contest a decision based upon a medical determination shall submit a request for reconsideration of the medical determination by a technical body. On the other hand, a claimant wishing to contest a decision based on considerations other than a medical determination shall submit a written request for management evaluation. The revised Appendix D makes either a reconsideration process under art. 5.1 or a management evaluation process mandatory. In other words, a claimant needs to request either a reconsideration of medical determinations or a...
The fact that the Applicant was a staff member of UNOPS when he applied for these contractor positions is not relevant to appreciate the receivability of the Applicant’s claims since, in the four instant cases, he contests four decisions not to select him on non-staff positions.
The application is not receivable ratione temporis as it was filed after the statutory time limit under art. 8.1 of its Statute expired.
The Tribunal granted the application is part and awarded the Applicant USD4,000 in compensation for procedural violations.