
Judge Savage

Judge Savage

Showing 101 - 108 of 108

L'UNAT a examiné un appel interjeté par le fonctionnaire.

L'UNAT a estimé que le Tribunal n'avait pas commis d'erreur de fait en n'ayant pas considéré la cessation de service, mentionnée dans l'avis de cessation de service, comme le motif de la décision contestée ; la mention de la retraite n’avait aucune incidence sur la cessation de service du fonctionnaire. L'UNAT a estimé que la lettre l'informant de l'expiration de son engagement de durée déterminée était conforme à la suppression du poste qu'elle occupait.

L'UNAT a noté que le contrôle judiciaire dans le contexte d'une suspension d...

À titre préliminaire, l’UNAT a rejeté la demande d’audience de M. Qassem. L'UNAT a estimé que les questions factuelles et juridiques soulevées par l'appel avaient été clairement définies par les parties et qu'en outre, une audience orale ne « contribuerait pas à régler l'affaire de manière rapide et équitable ».

L'UNAT a estimé que, puisque l'engagement de durée déterminée de M. Qassem avait été prolongé au-delà du 31 mars 2020, sans effet donné à la décision administrative initiale de ne pas renouveler son engagement au-delà de cette date, le Tribunal n'avait pas commis d'erreur en concluant...

As a preliminary matter, the UNAT dismissed Mr. Qassem’s request for an oral hearing. The UNAT found that the factual and legal issues arising from the appeal had been clearly defined by the parties and moreover, an oral hearing would not “assist in the expeditious and fair disposal of the case”.

The UNAT found that since Mr. Qassem’s fixed-term appointment was extended beyond 31 March 2020, with no effect given to the initial administrative decision not to renew his employment beyond this date, the UNDT did not err in finding that the application was moot since the administrative decision...

The UNAT considered an appeal by the staff member.

The UNAT found that the UNDT had not erred in fact when it had not considered separation on retirement, mentioned in the separation notice, to be the reason for the contested decision; the mention of retirement had no import on the staff member’s separation. The UNAT was of the view that the letter informing her of the expiry of her fixed-term appointment was in line with the abolition of the post she encumbered.

The UNAT noted that judicial review in the context of suspension of action is different from the review conducted by the Tribunal...

The UNAT held that the UNDT committed an error of procedure such that it affected the outcome of the case in not holding an oral hearing and relying significantly on the OAIS investigation report to corroborate the truth of the events alleged by the Complainant, when there was no direct witnesses to the alleged misconduct and all the witnesses relied upon by the OAIS investigators obtained their evidence and information from the Complainant. As such, the UNAT concluded that their evidence was hearsay evidence and that the prejudice to the Appellant in admitting and relying upon this evidence...

The UNAT observed that neither party had raised whether AAQ’s application was receivable before the UNDT. The UNAT nonetheless held that because this was a jurisdictional question, it was obliged to raise the issue itself. The UNAT noted that pursuant to Article 2(1)(a) of the UNDT Statute, the staff member was obliged to identify an administrative decision that was alleged to be in non-compliance with the terms of appointment or contract of employment. Further, pursuant to established case law, the administrative decision must have both a direct and adverse effect on the employment of the...

L'UNAT a estimé que la réparation demandée dans la requête concernait une question qui n'avait pas été soulevée auparavant devant l'UNDT ou l'UNAT, à savoir le recouvrement d'un montant déjà payé à titre de dépense admissible selon une échelle mobile.

L'UNAT a estimé qu'il n'y avait rien de flou ou d'ambigu dans le sens ou la portée du jugement antérieur, les termes de l'ordonnance étant clairs. L’UNAT a noté qu’il n’était pas nécessaire d’interpréter le jugement antérieur pour en clarifier le sens, et qu’il n’existait pas non plus de doutes raisonnables sur ce qui constituait la décision de...

The UNAT found that the relief sought in the application concerned an issue not previously raised before the UNDT or the UNAT, being the recovery of an amount already paid as an admissible expense on a sliding scale.

The UNAT held that there was nothing in the meaning or scope of the prior Judgment that was unclear or ambiguous, the terms of the order were clear. The UNAT noted there was no need to interpret the prior Judgment to clarify its meaning, nor were there reasonable doubts about what constituted the UNAT’s decision or the reasons for it.

The UNAT was of the view that there was also...