
Judge Raikos

Judge Raikos

Showing 41 - 60 of 264

UNAT found that because the termination had been rescinded and Mr. Mukhopadhyay had been reinstated further to the First Judgment, the appeal of the Second Judgment had become moot as there could be no entitlement to termination notice pursuant to the applicable Regulations and Rules. UNAT thus granted the Secretary-General's appeal and reversed the Second Judgment.

UNAT found not receivable Mr. Mukhopadhyay’s cross-appeal requesting an award for consequential damages, compensation for moral damages and costs. UNAT found that he had made these claims for the first time on appeal and was...

The Commissioner-General appealed.

The UNAT held that insofar as the Agency's decision of 25 April 2019 rejecting the request for an SPOA might not have been unequivocal, that decision was reiterated in the e-mail of 17 June 2019 leaving no doubt that the Agency had decided then to pay Ms. Abou Salah an SPOA of 15 per cent rather than 25 per cent, possibly in breach of her contract. The fact that other persons subsequently sought to intervene on her behalf did not change that.

The UNAT found that Ms. Abou Salah’s subsequent correspondence, as well as correspondence written on her behalf...

UNAT dismissed the appeal and affirmed the UNRWA DT Judgment. UNAT held that the UNRWA DT correctly concluded that the decision-maker had not exercised his discretionary power properly, in that the Agency had unlawfully paid Ms. Jarallah an SPOA of 25 per cent instead of an SOA of 35 per cent which was stipulated in her contract of employment.

UNAT found that a valid and binding contract of employment existed between Ms. Jarallah and the Agency. An integral part of Ms. Jarallah's letter of appointment was the Job Description contained in the vacancy announcement with a reference to the 35...

The UNAT held that the UNDT correctly found that Ms. Hanjoury was informed on 1 March 2020 that she no longer had FS-5 Administrative Assistant Roster status. This 1 March 2020 email was clear notification of her roster status and the latest date that Ms. Hanjoury knew or reasonably should have known of the challenged decision, based on objective elements that both parties could accurately determine. As a result, Ms. Hanjoury’s request for management evaluation on 6 June 2021 was beyond the 60-day deadline and therefore her application to the UNDT was not receivable ratione materiae.


As a preliminary matter, UNAT held that the Joint Appeals Board (JAB) had provided a decision as required by Article 2(10) of the UNAT Statute and therefore UNAT had jurisdiction to hear the appeal. Further, UNAT held that an oral hearing would not assist with the expeditious and fair disposal of the case as required by Article 18(1) of the UNAT Rules of Procedure and therefore denied the request for an oral hearing. UNAT held that there was no error in the JAB’s decision affirming the contested decision of wrongdoing following the Appellant’s failure to report to work and holding of...

M. Jibril a fait appel.

En ce qui concerne la demande d'audience, l'UNAT a estimé que les questions factuelles et juridiques soulevées par cet appel avaient déjà été clairement définies par les parties et qu'il n'était pas nécessaire de fournir des éclaircissements supplémentaires. De plus, une audience ne contribuerait pas à régler l’affaire de manière rapide et équitable, comme l’exige l’article 18(1) du Règlement intérieur du TANU. En conséquence, la demande d'audience est rejetée.

L'UNAT a convenu avec le DT de l'UNRWA que la décision administrative contestée de placer M. Jibril en congé...

Mr. Jibril appealed.

As regards the request for an oral hearing, the UNAT held that the factual and legal issues arising from this appeal had already been clearly defined by the parties and there was no need for further clarification. Moreover, an oral hearing would not assist in the expeditious and fair disposal of the case, as required by Article 18(1) of the UNAT Rules of Procedure. Accordingly, the request for an oral hearing is denied.

The UNAT agreed with the UNRWA DT that the challenged administrative decision to place Mr. Jibril on Administrative Leave With Pay (ALWP) was lawful. ...

L'UNAT a rejeté la demande de rectification du jugement de M. Zaqqout au motif que M. Zaqqout avait tenté de relancer son affaire au lieu de démontrer des erreurs de la nature de celles censées être couvertes par l'article 11(2), et qu'il n'avait pas expliqué les erreurs importantes retard dans la demande de correction des erreurs alléguées.

L'UNAT a également rejeté la demande de révision du jugement présentée par M. Zaqqout. L'UNAT a estimé qu'il s'agissait de la deuxième demande de révision déposée par M. Zaqqout dans cette affaire, il lui était demandé de démontrer des circonstances...

UNAT dismissed Mr. Zaqqout's application for correction of judgment on the grounds that Mr. Zaqqout attempted to relitigate his case instead of demonstrating mistakes in the nature of those intended to be covered by Article 11(2), and he had failed to explain the significant delay in applying to correct the alleged errors.

UNAT also dismissed Mr. Zaqqout's application for revision of judgment. UNAT found that this being the second application for revision Mr. Zaqqout had filed in this case, he was required to demonstrate exceptional circumstances, a test he did not meet; and that even if the...

L'UNAT a examiné un appel de M. Dorji.

L'UNAT a estimé que l'appel était défectueux dans la mesure où il n'avait identifié aucun des cinq moyens d'appel énoncés à l'article 2(1) du Statut comme constituant la base juridique de l'appel. Comme le TCNU l'a estimé à juste titre, la démission forcée alléguée de M. Dorji et sa séparation ultérieure de l'Organisation ont eu lieu en mars et avril 2019. La demande de contr?le hiérarchique de M. Dorji a été déposée en dehors du délai légal de 60 jours de plus de deux ans, le 25 juin 2021.

L'UNAT a rejeté l'appel et a confirmé le jugement n° UNDT/2021...

The UNAT considered an appeal by Mr. Dorji.

The UNAT found that the appeal was defective in that it failed to identify any of the five grounds of appeal set out in Article 2(1) of the Statute as forming the legal basis of the appeal. As the UNDT correctly held, Mr. Dorji’s alleged coerced resignation and subsequent separation from the Organization occurred in March and April 2019. Mr. Dorji’s request for management evaluation thereof was filed outside the 60-day statutory time limit by more than two years, on 25 June 2021.

The UNAT dismissed the appeal and affirmed Judgment No. UNDT/2021...

UNAT considered an appeal by Mr. Loubani. UNAT held that while a preliminary assessment [regarding potential evidence by witnesses nominated by Mr. Loubani to be interviewed] should have been made by the investigators, this was done by UNRWA DT, and the evidence found to be so inadequate as to be safely ignored.

Mr. Loubani had an opportunity to present this evidence before UNRWA DT, so that its proper assessment meant that his due process right was allowed, albeit belatedly. It would have made no difference to the outcome had the investigators done so. The investigators would have reached...

The UNAT noted that the simple issue arising in this appeal was whether it was appropriate and correct for the judge to have proceeded with the application for review of the contested decisions while the motion for recusal was pending. The UNAT held that the straightforward answer is that it was not.

An application for recusal can be brought at any time in the proceedings and is usually a difficult strategic choice for the party making the challenge. Such an application is made, typically, at the moment the party loses confidence in the judge. Its timing will depend on the circumstances. The...

UNAT agreed with the UNDT that the first two claims should be dismissed. The Appellant did not provide sufficient evidence showing that her candidacy was not given full and fair consideration. Regarding the generalized complaint of harassment, UNAT agreed that the application on this question was not receivable.

However, in regards to the finding that the Administration abused its authority in mishandling the Appellant’s sexual harassment complaint, UNAT held that there was an error in procedure. The Appellant made a motion to admit additional evidence, and the UNDT made no ruling on this...

La première conclusion du Tribunal d'appel est que le Tribunal a eu raison de considérer que l'article 17(d) de la Politique de rapatriement n'est pas en conflit avec l'article 3.19(g) du Règlement du personnel et que, par conséquent, les deux ensembles de dispositions doivent être interprétés ensemble de manière cohérente. .

Nous jugeons également correct le raisonnement du TDNU selon lequel l'application de l'article 17(d) de la Politique de rapatriement du PNUD n'est pas limitée aux membres du personnel du PNUD, car elle cherche à rapprocher les paiements effectués aux membres du personnel...

The Appeals Tribunal’s first finding is that the UNDT was correct in its holding that Section 17(d) of the Repatriation Policy is not in conflict with Staff Rule 3.19 (g) and, thus, the two sets of provisions fall to be read together coherently.

We also find correct the UNDT’s reasoning that the application of Section 17(d) of the UNDP Repatriation Policy is not limited to UNDP staff members as it seeks to reconcile payments made to staff members within the United Nations system, irrespectively of the fact that the spouse is a UNDP staff member too or not, avoiding in any case to duplicate...

The UNAT decided that mistakes in the way the summary dismissal decision was communicated to the appellant did not affect the fact that the real decision had ultimately been taken by the competent person in the Commissioner-General and not by any delegated authority.

It was undisputed that Mr. Mohammad was not afforded the opportunity to comment on the additional evidence produced against him after the re-opening of the investigation (two interviews of student B’s mother and student B). However, neither in his appeal nor in his initial application to the UNRWA DT did he point out any...

L'UNAT a examiné un appel de Mme Mukomah.

L'UNAT a estimé que l'affirmation de Mme Mukomah selon laquelle elle était l'épouse du défunt participant au moment de son décès et avait donc droit, sur cette base, à une prestation de veuvage en vertu de l'article 34 des statuts de la Caisse, n'était pas fondée sur la base des éléments de preuve présentés devant elle. l'UNAT.

L'UNAT a estimé qu'il n'y avait pas suffisamment de preuves prouvant que le défunt participant et Mme Mukomah avaient légalement conclu une (deuxième) union légalement reconnue par l'autorité compétente du Kenya, conférant des...

The UNAT considered an appeal by Ms. Mukomah.

The UNAT held that Ms. Mukomah’s submission that she was the spouse of the late participant at the time of his death and is therefore entitled on that basis to a widow’s benefit under Article 34 of the Fund’s Regulations, was not sustainable based on the evidence before the UNAT.

The UNAT found that there was insufficient evidence proving that the late participant and Ms. Mukomah lawfully entered a (second) union legally recognized by the competent authority of Kenya conferring similar legal effects as a marriage in relation to pension rights...

L'UNAT a estimé que les faits prétendument inconnus que M. Al Dirawi a détaillés dans sa demande de révision du jugement de l'UNAT se concentrent sur les constatations et les conclusions du jugement de l'UNAT avec lesquelles il n'est pas d'accord. Notamment, ces questions ont été examinées dans l'appel initial et M. Al Dirawi présente essentiellement un deuxième appel pour une réévaluation des faits dans son cas, un recours qui n'est pas disponible pour les parties une fois que le Tribunal d'appel a rendu un jugement final. L'UNAT a donc jugé que la requête de M. Al Dirawi n'était pas...