The Applicant has not shown that the negative employment decision had any direct adverse consequences on her contract. The Applicant’s argument that the decision was used by the Administration not to renew her temporary employment is without merit. She has not adduced any evidence to substantiate her claim. On the contrary the Respondent has shown that the temporary employment expired at the end of the maximum 364 days offered in the contract. The Applicant has failed to convince the Tribunal that the decision not to renew her temporary employment was a direct consequence of the decision from...
Receivability The Applicant’s appointment was extended beyond its expiration date to allow her to exhaust her medical leave entitlements. The Applicant’s entitlements, had her contract been extended, would be calculated on a different scale from that applied during her sick leave. Moreover, should the contested decision be found unlawful, the Applicant could be entitled to receive compensation for the harm caused by the unlawful decision under art. 10.5(b) of the Dispute Tribunal’s Statute regardless of any entitlements she may have benefited from during her sick leave. The application cannot...
The decision to replace the Applicant as Departmental Focal Point for Women is reviewable because it affects her rights as a staff member under ST/SGB/2008/12. The Applicant's role as Departmental Focal Point for Women is not a staff representative. The Respondent did not show a conflict of interest between the Applicant’s role as Departmental Focal Point for Women and her membership of the OHCHR Staff Committee. The High Commissioner had no authority under ST/SGB/2008/12 to remove the Applicant from her functions prior to the expiry of her mandate. Reinstatement of the Applicant was not...
The Tribunal has the power to interpret and identify the “contested administrative decision” at stake, even if the party or parties have failed to do so. The Applicant was placed on SLWOP following her expulsion from Pakistan, the host country, due to her failure to timely submit the required documents for the renewal of her accreditation card. The Applicant, as an international staff member, should have known that a valid visa and accreditation card were conditions sine qua non for her to stay in Pakistan and be able to perform her professional duties. Since these conditions were not met and...
The selection process is still ongoing. It has therefore not yet yielded a final reviewable administrative decision having an impact on the legal order. The application is therefore not receivable ratione materiae.
The Administration held sufficient consultations with staff on the restructuring of WMO Secretariat by: announcing the restructuring sufficiently in advance, holding meetings with staff representatives and setting up a consultation mechanism to hear staff concerns. The Administration had the Applicant, a permanent appointment holder whose post was abolished, undergo a pre-screening interview for a vacant post along with all the other pre-selected candidates. In so doing, the Administration failed to afford the Applicant priority non-competitive consideration. The Tribunal ordered the...
In plain English, the term “net base salary”, does not have any meaning on its own, and no authoritative definition is found in the relevant legal framework or the employment contract. The purpose of post adjustment is to ensure equity in purchasing power of staff members across duty stations. Net base salary represents the minimum, or floor remuneration payable, is defined as gross base salary minus staff assessment, and does not include post adjustment.
The Respondent conceded that the proper procedure in the assessment of the Applicant’s complaint was not followed because she was not interviewed by OIAI as required by section 5.14 of CF/EXD/2012-007. The Tribunal found that the procedural irregularity in this case not only constitutes a serious breach of the applicable framework but it also violates the Applicant’s due process rights as a complainant. The complainant’s interview is a mandatory and essential step in the preliminary assessment of the complaint as it prompts the staff member to clarify the allegations, to ensure all available...
The Tribunal found that the rebuttal panel was properly constituted. The Tribunal found that the rebuttal panel’s review of the evidence complied with the applicable norms. The Tribunal found that the Applicant’s medical condition was not an excuse for his reported poor performance. The Tribunal found that because the Applicant’s report of abuse of authority against his supervisor was only filed after the performance appraisal was completed, it had no bearing on the appraisal.
Even though the relevant legal framework provides no guidance on the procedure to be followed for a transfer decision, the general principle of good faith and fair dealings dictates that a staff member should typically—and at a minimum—be consulted about such transfer before the final decision is made and priorly be provided with a genuine opportunity to comment thereon --As a matter of good faith and fair dealings, an administrative decision that significantly alters the terms and conditions of a staff member’s employment should be notified to this person in a formal written decision --It is...