Ethics office
Jurisdiction / receivability (UNAT)
Jurisdiction / receivability (UNDT or first instance)
Management Evaluation
Subject matter (ratione materiae)
Temporal (ratione temporis)
Management Evaluation
Time limit
Arbitrary or improper motive
Following an appeal by the Appellant and the Secretary-General, there was a further cross-appeal by the Appellant. As a preliminary issue, UNAT dismissed the Appellant鈥檚 cross-appeal as not receivable since the Appellant has already had the opportunity to file his own independent appeal and the cross-appeal seemed to be an attempt to complement his appeal. On the Secretary-General鈥檚 appeal in Case No. UNDT/NBI/2015/095 related to the issue settlement agreement, UNAT held that UNDT erred on a matter of law on the receivability of the application, since it based its finding on the merits as a...