UNAT held that UNDT had committed various errors of law, fact, and procedure. UNAT held that the whole reasoning of UNDT was misconstrued and UNDT did not properly examine the lawfulness of the disciplinary sanction. UNAT held that there was clear and convincing evidence that the Appellant awarded and signed a contract on behalf of UNFPA, that she did not conduct any market research or consider other suppliers before doing so, that she had no authority to sign the contract and that she was involved in procurement activities in relation to another UNFPA vendor. Further, UNAT held that there was...
ICSC Standards of Conduct for the International Civil Service
Showing 11 - 12 of 12
Disciplinary matters / misconduct
Disciplinary measure or sanction
Fraud, misrepresentation and false certification
Procurement irregularities
Burden of proof
Disciplinary matters / misconduct
Sexual exploitation and abuse
Separation from service
UNAT considered an appeal by the Secretary-General of the United Nations. UNAT held that Mr. Khamis’ proven conduct did not itself amount to misconduct: he did not engage in transactional sexual relations with local persons and his sexual relations with two local women were more in the nature of domestic, albeit polygamous and ‘open’, relationships. UNAT held that it was not established that payments made to both women were commercial transactions in return for sexual favours. UNAT held that there was not such an imbalance of power between Mr. Khamis and the two women that they could be termed...