12 May 2021

In this thought piece published by Quartz Africa, UN Special Envoy, Dr. Agnes Kalibata, and Dr. El Iza Mohamedou, Head of OECD's Centre for Skills, highlight the importance of data in informing planning, budgeting, and policy making for building stronger economies and better livelihoods.

Many low-income countries have a lack of data which directly effects these countries’ economic growth and efforts to reduce poverty. As a result, these countries do not have the basic data to measure labor productivity, income levels of small holder farmers and much more. African countries in particular must look within themselves to produce missing data and ensure the continuous use of this data.

The UN Food Systems Summit will provide an opportunity to improve food access and help the world achieve critical progress on all 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Data and the utilization of data is a key part in achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2 and achieving true food systems transformation.


Read the full thought piece in Quartz Africa .