Substantive Informal Session on Learning from Partnerships
Since Monterrey, the financing landscape for development has become more complex and diverse, requiring the effective and integrated management of all financing flows at the national level, with a view to maximizing their impact on sustainable development. Implementation of the post-2015 agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will depend on financial flows from all sources, as well as a strengthened international enabling environment. Specific SDGs will depend on the different financing sources, mechanisms and other elements to varying degrees. Partnerships between public and private agents have been one modality that has proven successful in financing specific sectors. One objective of this session is to learn lessons from existing funds and partnerships to better understand the contributions partnerships can make in different areas, what types of partnerships work best for different goals, and what other modalities are needed.
Organizational matters
- Programme and Briefing note (with links to presentations)
- Biographies of speakers
Side event
- Delivering on the Post-2015 Development Agenda: What Role for Public-Private Partnerships? (1:15 to 2:30 PM, Trusteeship Council Chamber, 12 December 2014)
- Barbados
- Bolivia (on behalf of G77 and China)
- China
- Mexico
- Nepal
- European Union
- Private Sector
- Civil Society