Relevant UN Resolutions on Hate Speech
General Assembly Resolutions that mention the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide:
Human Rights Council Resolutions
- Human Rights Council A/HRC/RES/55/13, 5 April 2024, on , under Prevention of Genocide recognizes the link between hate speech and genocide, and genocide denial as a form of hate speech.
- Human Rights Council A/HRC/53/L.23 , 7 July 2023, on Summary: addresses religious hate and calls for national frameworks to tackle it; condemns any advocacy of religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence, whether it involves the use of print, audiovisual or electronic media or any other means.
- Human Rights Council A/HRC/RES/43/29, 22 June 2020, on , including the right to development. Summary: welcomes the launch of the United Nations Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech as an effective tool to fight incitement to discrimination, hostility and violence, and the Plan of Action for Religious Leaders and Actors to Prevent Incitement to Violence that Could Lead to Atrocity Crimes; Recognizing the importance of fact-based casualty recording initiatives led by State authorities, independent civil society or internationally mandated organizations, and the contribution they can make to the effectiveness of early warning mechanisms, ensuring accountability, truth, justice, reparation, guarantees of non-recurrence and the preservation of historic memory, and combating genocide denial and other forms of hate speech, Reiterates the importance, when addressing complex situations that might lead to genocide as defined in the Convention, of a prompt and comprehensive examination of a set of multiple factors, including legal factors and possible warning signs as identified in, inter alia, the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the Five-Point Action Plan and the framework of analysis for atrocity crimes developed by the Office of the Special Advisers on the Prevention of Genocide and on the Responsibility to Protect, such as the existence of groups at risk, the massive, serious and systematic violation of human rights, the resurgence of systematic discrimination and the prevalence of expressions of hate speech targeting persons belonging to national, ethnic, racial or religious groups, especially if they are uttered in the context of an actual or potential outbreak of violence