
Remember the Fallen

Ethiopian Airlines Crash, 10 March 2019

Djordje Vdovic, Logistics officer, WFP

Djordje Vdovic

In an impressive career spanning 26 years, Djordje Vdovic worked in some of the toughest spots in Central America, Africa and Asia.

Born in Serbia, Djordje, a mechanical engineer, joined WFP as a driver, but swiftly became a logistics officer, then covered procurement and programming, emergency coordination and policy. He made projects not just workable but effective.

In Afghanistan, he led the Purchase for Progress initiative, broadening it from smallholder farmers to food systems across the whole value chain. “His approach to P4P¡­was totally inspiring and amazing. The impact is still being felt.”

Djordje deployed to Guinea-Conakry in WFP’s response to Ebola sweeping West Africa. Reports of his “competence, dedication, and self-giving in the midst of such a threat” were a reminder of his skills and courage.????

Colleagues flourished alongside Djordje: “He understood the meaning of the word ‘team’¡­he was always more focused on the good of the people and the organization than on his own benefit.”

Just days before the Ethiopian Airlines disaster, Djordje heard he had been reassigned from Bangkok to HQ. He could join his partner and their three-year-old daughter and bring his teenage son to Rome. They were looking forward to being closer to family in Serbia, including his older daughter.

Djordje was happiest pitting his skills against the forces of nature. He was an active member of Serbia’s Mountain Rescue Service, applying the visionary approach, practical problem-solving and strong moral values that made him such a great asset to WFP.

Biographical information and photo provided by WFP.