
Expert group meeting on policy responses to population ageing and population decline

New York

16 October 2000 to 18 October 2000


The Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), with financial support provided by the National Institute on Aging of the United States, organized an expert group meeting on policy responses to population ageing and population decline. The meeting took place in New York City from 16 to 18 October 2000. The meeting was organized in follow up to the publication of the report Replacement Migration: Is it a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations? by the Population Division in March 2000. 

The meeting aimed to investigate the consequences of projected population decline and population ageing as well as the policy responses to cope with such demographic changes. In particular, the meeting (1) reviewed the demographic prospects of countries and regions during the next half-century, (2) identified the consequences of population decline and population ageing, and (3) examine various policy options that Governments might adopt to cope with such unprecedented demographic challenges.




Organization of work

Monday, 16 October 2000



10:00  – 1:00

Morning session


I. Opening of the meeting


  • Mr. Joseph Chamie, United Nations Population Division. Welcoming


II. Panel discussion


  • Mr. Makoto Atoh, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan


  • Mr. Paul Demeny, Population Council, United States


  • Ms. Charlotte Hoehn, Federal Institute for Population Research, Germany


III. Review of demographic trends and prospects


  • Ms. Hania Zlotnik, United Nations Population Division. Introduction

15:00 – 18:00

Afternoon session

  Continuation of item III


IV. Consequences and problems


  •  Mr. Jean-Claude Chesnais, Institute National d’Etudes Démographiques. Introduction

Tuesday, 17 October 2000

10:00 – 13:00  

Morning Session


Continuation of item IV


V. Policy options


  • Mr. Anatoly Zoubanov, United Nations Population Division. Introduction


A. Policies Relating to Determinants of Demographic Changes

1. Fertility

  • Introduction by Mr. Antonio Golini, Universita di Roma


15:00 – 18:00 Afternoon session

2. Health/Mortality

  • Ms. Namhoon Cho (Korea Institute of Health and Social Affairs. Introduction


3. International Migration

  • Ms. Ellen Brennan-Galvin, United Nations Population Division. Introduction

B. Policies Relating to Consequences of Demographic Changes

  • Mr. Michael Teitelbaum, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Introduction


Wednesday, 18 October 2000

10:00 –13:00  

Morning session


VI. Future research


VII. Consultations, discussion and follow-up

15:00 – 18:00 

Afternoon Session 


Continuation of item VII


VIII. Conclusion and closing of the formal sessions


  • Summary by the rapporteur

Background papers

Contributed papers

  • Jean-Claude Chesnais. 

  • Georges Tapinos.  

  • Herwig Birg. Demographic ageing and population decline in 21st century Germany.  consequences for the systems of social insurance ( )

  • Charlotte Hoehn. 

  • Antonio Golini.  The case of Italy  

  • Maria Rita Testa. 

  • Makoto Atoh. 

  • Yukiko Katsumata. 

  • Namhoon Cho.  

  • Ik Ki Kim. 

  • Svetlana Nikitina. 

  • Anatoly Vishnevsky.  

  • David Coleman. 

  • Karen Dunnel. 

  • l. Michael Teitelbaum.  

  • Judith Treas. 

  • Patrick Festy.   

  • Ronald Lesthaeghe. Europe’s Demographic Issues: Fertility, Household Formation and Replacement Migration (T; ) 

  • Constantinos Fotakis.