

Other Ocean-related Links

Library ResourcesPublishers and Journals
Legal DatabasesLists of Links
Multi-Government and Government/Academic Projects and Programmes

Note: This Site contains links and references to third-party web sites. The linked sites are not under the control of the United Nations, and the United Nations is not responsible for the content of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site. The United Nations provides these links only as a convenience, and the inclusion of a link or reference does not imply the endorsement of the linked site by the United Nations.

Whenever possible, these links point to a specific ocean and law of the sea-related page within a web site.  Entries are listed in alphabetical order by full name.

Libraries Resources

Academic institution dealing with comparative law as well as public and private international law; discussion forum, research organization, publisher, training and advice centre; abstracts from the International and Comparative Law Quarterly; articles and seminars on law of the sea
a decorative wave image used on most NODC pages
Seeks to increase volume of historical oceanographic data available on climate change and other researches by locating data sets not yet in digital form and ensuring  their submission to one of the data centers; part of the United States' NOAA National Oceanographic Data Center

, Russia

Bilingual ( and ) legal database; Russian legislation on, inter alia, continental shelf; seabed, living resources; archive of Russian legislation
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Library Image (National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration), USA
Links to all NOAA library resources; photo collection, NOAA Historical Map & Chart Collection; Indexes, Journals, and Newspapers, NOAA Central Library Bibliographies, NOAA Newsletters, Government Depository Collection; national and international information programs
NOAA Photo Library Banner (National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration), USA
Links to over 16,000 images of fish, deep sea creatures, hydrothermal vents, underwater volcanoes, ocean sanctuaries, ships, etc.
- NCSE, Washington, USA

National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE), Congressional Research Service Report 97-588 ENR; full book available online; in-depth background materials cover coastal issues, living resources, climate change, science, minerals and energy, Antarctica, law of the sea, UNCED, U.S. legislation; links to many issues and organizations

Electronic journals, archives, maps, databases and CD-ROMs

Publishers and Journals

Legal references; publisher of the American Journal of International Law - and with abstracts are available on-line; publisher of with tables of contents 1997-present available online
Many law of the sea materials; bibliographical information, tables of contents, abstracts, full text, sample copies; publisher of the journals and and has tables of contents available online
Many law of the sea materials; bibliographical information; publisher of: (online tables of contents 1995 to present) and book series I;  e-mail alerting system delivers updates about new publications, as well as forthcoming articles from any of Kluwer’s Journals
Books on law of the sea; bibliographical information; publisher of


Oceana Publications, Inc

Publishes materials

tandf Logo

Publishes , , , and ; includes online tables of contents 1999 to present; e-mail alerting system delivers free tables of contents when new issues are published


Legal Databases and Search Engines

BAILII - British and Irish Legal Information Institute
England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Irish legal databases; contains search engine; texts of cases and legislation on fisheries, marine environment, shipping from 1860s to present; case law and legislation
Globelaw Logo
Database featuring international, environmental and transnational law, as well as multilateral conventions and national legal materials including law of the sea
A multi-university consortium that monitors public international law and trade law; search engine; includes marine transportation, insurance and liability; links to associations


Lists of Links

Multi-lingual acronym search engine with links; covers marine-related organizations, programmes and titles available through the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO
- European centre for information on marine science and technology
EurOcean is a focal point for information in Europe on marine science and technology. One of its functions is to be the IOC regional portal for Europe. The EurOcean portal provides information in three main domains: marine research infrastructures, national and European RTD programmes.
- International Development Research Centre, Canada
Links by Canadian Government created public corporation to help developing communities find solutions to social, economic, and environmental problems through research; extensive list of links to schools, programmes and institutes
-  Directory of Maritime Links
Links on various subject areas covered by the mandate of IMO as well as lists of maritime-related links organized by country
for the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean.

The eSeFDee Marine Sciences Portal is the continuation of the former links pages of the Sea Fisheries Department (CLO-SFD, Oostende, Belgium). The portal site is offered as a free service to the marine scientific community, to managers and decision makers, and in general, to anyone interested in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean.

, Tufts University, USA
Links to multilateral treaties, conventions, agreements and protocols dealing with marine and coastal issues from Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy's Multilaterals Project
  - International Law of the Sea pages, Croatia
List of links to law of the sea organizations, agreements; subjects including Croatia and Adriatic Sea (Croatian and English)
NASA Logo (color version)
Ocean-related educational site links at NASA's Marine Science Educational URLs; sites of interest to students and teachers of the marine sciences include marine science institutions and centres, links to marine life and marine science educational resource links
List of links; oceans campaigns; articles, citations, briefings
Links List - , Russian Academy of Sciences
List of Links to national research institutes throughout the world; selected publications/journals with contents online and/or table of contents/abstracts
, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom
Lists of newsgroups, mailing lists, electronic publications, societies, conferences and a subject index
, Tufts University, USA
Links to multilateral treaties, conventions, agreements and protocols dealing with marine and coastal issues from Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy's Multilaterals Project

 Multi-Government and Government/Academic Projects and Programmes

Multi-national scientific effort jointly with and to deploy sophisticated floats that descend every 10 days to a depth of 2000 feet, gather and transmit spatial and temporal data on ocean circulation, current velocity, climate, water salinity; improve calibration of the Jason altimeter mission; allow for development of a high-resolution ocean analysis and climate model
- Consortium for Oceanographic Research and Education
Education in oceanography; government policy reports and speeches; legislative initiatives
- Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific
Comprised of some 20 leading academic centres and other research institutes specializing in Asia-Pacific security matters.  Has a which undertakes policy-oriented studies the latest being the CSCAP Memorandum on Cooperation for Law and Order at Sea.
International/interdisciplinary initiative concerned with all aspects of mid-ocean ridges designed to encourage scientific and logistical coordination, with particular focus on problems that cannot be addressed as efficiently by nations acting alone or in limited partnerships
- INTEROCEANMETAL Joint Organization
Intergovernmental organization with certifying states: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Cuba, Poland, Russia, and Slovakia granted "Pioneer Investor" status by the for deep seabed mining in the international seabed Area
Case studies of mounting and conducting virtual in-depth expedition of ocean areas and environments in various parts of the globe; explores methodologies, creatures found, scientific apparatus; teaching resources
Joint Oceanographic Institutions
Manages worldwide cooperative research programmes for the oceanographic community including the ocean drilling ship JOIDES Resolution for the Ocean Drilling Project; information on member institutions, programmes, publications
   (PROgram for the study of regional climate variability, their prediction and impacts, in the mercoSUR area)
PROSUR is a Collaborative Research Network (CRN) to promote research into the causes of climate variability in the  Mercosur region of South America; scientists from the Mercosur countries (Argentina (CIMA), Brazil (CPTEC-INPE), Paraguay, and Uruguay) lead the effort, and scientists from the United States (NOAA/ERL/CDC)  also participate


Initiative to foster interdisciplinary scientific study of mid-ocean ridge processes; includes explanation for non-scientists
SIDS logo
Information on Small Island Developing States (SIDS), maps, documents, country profiles, conferences, projects, meetings, photos

TOPEX/Poseidon is a French/U.S. project which measures the precise shape of the ocean's surface; underwater mountains and valleys result in different gravitational pulls on the ocean so the shape of the sea surface reflects the ; a component of climate change analyses, ocean circulation; follow-on will be project
NeMO logo
Ongoing and real-time studies of submarine volcanoes and hydrothermal venting on global ocean; near real time images and data; modeling animations of vent processes
Case studies of mounting and conducting virtual in-depth expedition of ocean areas and environments in various parts of the globe; explores methodologies, creatures found, scientific apparatus; teaching resources


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