

Creation of voting records for adopted UN resolutions: a quick guide

  1. Change the date of record creation on the workform (in Cataloguing Module of Horizon). See tag 008.

  2. Get a voterec ID number See tag 035.

  3. Create a voterec.
    • New voting records for General Assembly resolutions adopted without vote and Security Council resolutions are created in the Horizon Cataloguing Module.
      Choose Bib > Create new bib in the navigation bar, and then select Vote-S (for Security Council resolutions), Vote-A (for General Assembly resolutions adopted without vote).
    • The voting records of the General Assembly resolutions adopted with vote are usually machine-generated during the vote import process; no workform is used to create the records.
      In case there is no machine-generated vote available, the workform Vote-GA should be used and all votes should be input manually and checked against the printed «Recorded Vote» sheet supplied by the General Assembly Affairs Office.
      Instructions on importing voting information are provided together with the instructions for tag 996.

  4. Fill in information required in each tag. The tags that are used in voting records of adopted UN resolutions are machine-generated and appear in the workform. Follow the guidelines for each tag to complete the record.

  5. Create an item record. Once all tags are done and the record is saved, an item should be attached to the voting record. To open the «items window» within the voting record that was created:
    • Click on Items New
    • Item barcode - «V» and Bib number of the voting record with no space between them, e.g. V704812
    • Collection - choose: «v´Ē³Ł±š»
    • Save the changes and
    • Close the Items window.

  6. The voting record is complete.

Maintained by the Department of Public Information (DPI), Dag Hammarskjöld Library. Comments as well as suggestions for further additions/enhancements may be directed to the Dag Hammarskjöld Library.
© United Nations 2004-2009. All rights reserved

Last updated: 23 April 2008