



Required field

The heading and sub-headings which can be used for producing a French version of the DOCUMENTS AND PUBLICATIONS section of the United Nations Documents Index. The information is also used to produce the table of contents in French for the United Nations Documents Index.

This heading represents hierarchical elements within UN main bodies and sessional information on the document. Authorized text of the headings with or without sessional information.

$a - hierarchical elements within UN main bodies
$b - text supplying the numbers, days, months, years and place of a session, in standardized form as established by the agency. Do not abbreviate months. Record ordinal numerals as: 1ère, 2ème, etc. (this practice differs from the transcription of ordinal numerals in bibliographic records: 1re, 2e, etc.).

Before conversion to Horizon, all sessional information was contained in one Series Symbol record related to the issuing body. After the conversion, a new record is created for each session.

The sessional record contains the following fields only:
000, 008, 035, 040, 190, 905, 975 and 976.


190 $b A/AC.271/
976 $a Assemblée générale. Séminaire international sur l'évaluation mondiale de l'état du milieu marin

190 $b ST/ESA/
976 $a Secrétariat. Département des affaires économiques et socials

190 $b A/AC.265/ $c 2004
976 $a Assemblée générale. Comité special sur la Convention internationale globale et intégrée pour la promotion et la protection des droits et de la dignité des handicapés $b New York, 24 mai - 4 juin 2004.
[dates in subfield $b are separated by 'space' when there are 2 months involved]

190 $b A/AC.264/ $c 2004
976 $a Assemblée générale. Comité special sur la protection juridique offerte par la Convention sur la sécurité du personnel des Nations Unies et du personnel associé $b New York, 12-16 avril 2004.

190 $b E/ECE/TRANS/ $c 71
976 $a Conseil économique et social. Commission économique pour l'Europe. Comité des transports intérieurs $b 71ème session, Genève, 24-26 février 2009.

[there are no spaces between dates when that dates are during the same month]

Every effort should be made to find an official French translation for the heading and sub-headings. If an official French version of document is not available, other sources (such as an official UN French website, the Terminology and Reference Section of the UN Secretariat, etc.) may be consulted. If no official translation can be found, an unofficial translation from English to French can be requested from a native French speaker. The unofficial translation should be enclosed in square brackets with the notation, in parentheses, "(Traduction non-officielle)".


976 $a Conseil économique et social. Commission économique et sociale pour l'Asie et le Pacifique. Comité du développement agricole. [Consultation régionale sur la manipulation de l'information automatisée sur les engrais] (Traduction non-officielle)

If the document is published only in English (or another official language), that version should be recorded, and the following text, indicating the language in which the item is issued, should be added at the end: "(Publié en anglais seulement)".


190 $b UNEP/LIB/SER.C/
976 $a Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement. Bibliothèque et centre de la documentation. UNEP documents. Series C (Publié en anglais seulement)

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Last updated: 21 October 2009