




Authority-controlled field.

For non-UN publications, see also the guidelines for tag 110.

When a corporate body is identified as responsible for an item, the authority- controlled name as found in the UNBIS Name Authority File is entered in 710 $a.

If an UNBIS authority record for a corporate name does not exist, a new authority record is created.

Corporate names may be names of organizations and their subsidiary bodies and divisions, offices, projects and programmes; institutions, associations, centres, etc. Names of States or governments and their subsidiary departments and agencies are corporate names (note, however, that names of countries as subjects are not 610 corporate subjects, but 650 topical geographic subjects).


245 10 $a ¹ú²úAVful uses of nuclear energy
520 $a Transmits report by the French Atomic Energy Commission on its role in agriculture and the agro-food industry.
610 17 $a France. Commissariat à l'énergie atomique
650 17 $a FRANCE
710 1_ $a France. Commissariat à l'énergie atomique

Every session or meeting of a corporate name is a separate name authority record. The session number, year and place are enclosed within parentheses after the corporate name in subfield $a. Additional MARC21 subfield codes for tag 710 are not used in UNBIS:

710 2_ $a UN. Commission on Human Rights (60th sess. : 2004 : Geneva)

For UN documents, the cataloguing «rule of three» is generally not applied and the abbreviation «[et al.]» is not used in recording the statement of responsibility (245 $c). All corporate names in the statement of responsibility recorded in 245 $c (or otherwise identified in the bibliographic record as responsible for the item) are added in separate 710 fields. In recording multiple 710 fields, it is desirable to follow the order in which they appear in the statement of responsibility; in alphabetical order for lists of country sponsors of draft resolutions/decisions; or in the order that makes most sense.  

When statements of responsibility are not present in the title area of a work and are not recorded in tag 245, but are found elsewhere on the item, add a General Note (tag 500) identifying the entity responsible (or sharing responsibility) for the content (or significant partial content) of the work, and assign the authority-controlled names as added personal, corporate or conference entries (tags 700, 710 or 711).

A common type of document consists of a report or note by the UN Secretary-General or Secretariat transmitting information, comments or replies received from Governments, UN bodies and agencies, intergovernmental or non-governmental organizations. For such documents, all the Governments and/or organizations responsible for the transmitted information should be assigned in repeats of tag 710 following the entry for the Secretary-General or Secretariat, in the order in which the replies are contained in the document. Since they do not appear in the statement of responsibility recorded in tag 245 $c, add a general note (tag 500) as instructed in the guidelines for tag 500, Note identifying personal, conference or corporate authors not included in the statement of responsibility.


191 $a A/62/95(PartI)/Add.1

245 10 $a Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East : $b report of the Secretary-General : addendum

500 $a Transmits replies received from Bolivia and Egypt.

505 0_ $a 3. Replies received from Governments.

710 2_ $a UN. Secretary-General

710 2_ $a Bolivia

710 2_ $a Egypt


If a document summarizes replies or information received from Governments etc., but does not actually contain the text of the replies, the note in tag 500 should begin with the word Summarizes instead of the word Transmits, and the names are not assigned as added corporate entries (tag 710). Names of organizations may be assigned as corporate subject entries (tag 610) and Governments may be assigned as geographic subject terms (tag 650) if the document provides information about their policies or activities.


245 10 $a
Human rights and unilateral coercive measures : $b report of the Secretary-General

500 $a Summarizes replies received from 7 Governments.

650 17 $a SANCTIONS

650 17 $a HUMAN RIGHTS


650 27 $a ALBANIA

650 27 $a ALGERIA


710 2_ $a UN. Secretary-General

Field 110 is not used for corporate main entry, since the main entry for UN documents is considered to be the document symbol and series symbol (field 191 $ab).


245 $c France, Iceland, Monaco, Romania
710 2_ $a France
710 2_ $a Iceland
710 2_ $a Monaco
710 2_ $a Romania

500 $a At head of title: United Nations Environment Programme ; MED POL ; World Meteorological Organization ; EMEP Meteorological Synthesizing Centre-East, Moscow.
710 2_ $a UNEP
710 2_ $a Coordinated Mediterranean Pollution Monitoring and Research Programme
710 2_ $a WMO
710 2_ $a EMEP Meteorological Synthesizing Centre - East

If the name of the issuing body and session information appearing on the document title page below the masthead are represented by the document series symbol and session (field 191 $bc), they are generally not assigned as 710 Corporate Names except in case of sessional reports (final or draft), instruments adopted at the session such as resolutions, decisions, recommendations, etc., or in case the name appears in a statement of responsibility.


However, if the document series symbol and session in field 191 $bc do not represent the name and session information appearing on the document title page, add a General Note (tag 500) and assign tag 710 for the name and session appearing on the document.



191 $a E/C.12/GBR/Q/5  $b E/C.12/

500 $a At head of title: Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Pre-sessional Working Group, 19-23 May 2003.

710 2 _ $a UN. Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (40th sess. : 2008 : Geneva). Pre-sessional Working Group

[Document is not issued as a sessional document of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Works but as a document of its pre-sessional Working Group, which does not have a specific series symbol]

191 $a [E/ECE/]TRANS/NONE/96/123 $b E/ECE/TRANS/
500 $a At head of title: Principal Working Party on Rail Transport, 50th session, 15-17 October 1996.
710 2_ $a UN. ECE. Principal Working Party on Rail Transport (50th sess. : 1996 : Geneva)
[the issuing body and session appearing on the t.p. are not represented by the document series symbol in 191 $b]

In case of a UN draft resolution or decision (089 Content Code B02), sponsored by a UN Member State on behalf of a non-UN intergovernmental organization, only the UN Member State is assigned in tag 710, not the intergovernmental organization. Non-UN intergovernmental organizations having consultative status with the UN that may appear in statements of responsibility (245 $c) but are not assigned in tag 710 include the Coordinating Bureau of the Non-Aligned Movement, the European Union, the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the League of Arab States.

However, when a UN draft resolution/decision is sponsored by a UN Member State on behalf of a grouping of UN Member States that have grouped together as a means for countries to articulate and promote their collective interests and enhance their joint negotiating capacity on all major international economic and social issues within the UN system, both the UN Member State and the UN country grouping are assigned in tag 710. Examples of such country groupings within the UN system are the regional groups of States (Group of African States, etc.), so-called "Like-minded groups", and the Group of 77.


089 $b B02
191 $a A/HRC/2/L.45
245 10 $a Situation of human rights in Darfur : $b draft decision / $c Finland (on behalf of the European Union)
710 2_ $a Finland

089 $b B02
191 $a A/C.3/62/L.28
245 10 $a International Year of Human Rights Learning : $b draft resolution / $c Benin [on behalf of the Group of African States]
710 2_ $a Benin
710 2_ $a UN. Group of African States

[information about the intergovernmental organization appears at the bottom of the page, therefore it can be picked up in tag 245 between square brackets]  


245 10 $a Jerusalem : $b draft resolution / $c Algeria, [...], Yemen, Zimbabwe and Palestine
710 2_ $a Algeria
710 2_ $a Yemen
710 2_ $a Zimbabwe
710 2_ $a Palestine
[Palestine is assigned in tag 710, since it has received a standing invitation to participate as observer in the session and the work of the General Assembly]

In the case of UN sales publications, unsymbolled UN publications, or serials (single issues or series records), a corporate name entry for the issuing body should always be assigned in tag 710. Often the name of the issuing body for these types of publications appears in the imprint (tag 260 $b).


191 $a *** $b ST/HR/
710 2_ $a UN. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
[unsymbolled item; 710 corp name is added for the issuing body represented by the document series symbol in 191 $b]

191 $a [E/]LC/G.2099 $b E/LC/

245 10 $a Boletín demográfico. $n Año 33, no. 66 = $b Demographic bulletin. Year 33, no. 66

260 $a Santiago : $b Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre, Population Division, July 2000
710 2_ $a Latin American Demographic Centre. Population Division

[Single issue of periodical series; name of issuing body appears in publication statement]


If the name of a body or organization appearing on an item is different from the name as it has been established in a name authority record, staff should be attentive as to whether it is a case of a change in the name or simply a variant form of the name. If it is a variant form of the name, it may be helpful to add it as a cross-reference in the name authority record (tag 410); however, if it is a case of a name change, it will probably require creation of a new name authority record with an earlier-later relationship between the names. In some cases a change to the name established in the authority record may be required. Such cases should be brought to the attention of the authority revisers. Refer to the .


Example 1:

245 10 $a Proceedings of the UNECE Ministerial Conference on Ageing / $c prepared in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Social Policy and Sport, Spain

710 1_ $a Spain. Ministerio de Educación, Política y Deporte

[Existing name authority record at the time of indexing: Spain. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. It was necessary to create a new name authority record with an earlier-later relationship between the two names]


Example 2:

245 10 $a Transnational corporations. $n Vol. 17, no. 2, Aug. 2008 / $c United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Division on Investment and Enterprise

710 2_ $a UNCTAD. Division on Investment and Enterprise

[Existing name authority record at the time of indexing: UNCTAD. Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development. The previous issue of the periodical was issued under that name. It was necessary to create a new name authority record with an earlier-later relationship between the two names]


Example 3:

245 10 $a Proposal for draft amendments to Regulation no. 23, Reversing lamps / $c transmitted by the expert from the Working Party "Brussels 1952"

710 2_ $a Working Party "Brussels 1952"

[Existing name authority record at the time of indexing: Brussels Working Party, 1952. The authority reviser was alerted to the difference between the name established in the authority record and the name appearing in statements of responsibility, and the name was changed accordingly]

Maintained by the Department of Public Information (DPI), Dag Hammarskjöld Library. Comments as well as suggestions for further additions/enhancements may be directed to the Dag Hammarskjöld Library.
© United Nations 2003-2009. All rights reserved

Last updated: 16 June 2009