


When documents for a session or meeting of a UN body or conference are issued or will be issued under items of the agenda, an agenda authority record is created for each agenda item and sub-item of the agenda document, and the appropriate agenda item authority records are attached in tag 991 of bibliographic records.

Agenda authority records should be created for all items and subitems of the agenda for sessions and meetings of major UN bodies and conferences. Judgement is used in creating agenda authority records for meetings of subsidiary bodies; for example, it is generally not necessary to create agenda item authority records for meetings of UNECE subsidiary bodies if no documents are issued under those agenda items or if the agenda item titles do not appear as document titles.

In general, authority records are created only for the original provisional agenda document issued for a session, not for each revised agenda or final agenda document.

If a revised agenda document is issued containing additional agenda items, but without renumbering of the original agenda items, then authority records are created for the new agenda items and the document symbol of the original agenda is recorded in field 191 $a.

If agenda items are renumbered in the final agenda document, or if there are changes to text of agenda titles in the final agenda, then existing authority records are amended with the document symbol of the final agenda in field 191 $a.

General Assembly

General Assembly agenda authority records are created from the preliminary agenda document (e.g., A/59/50). Later when the provisional agenda is issued, the agenda document symbol in field 191 $a of the original agenda authority records is changed to the document symbol of the provisional agenda (A/59/150). When the final agenda document is issued, the agenda document symbol in 191 $a is changed again to the document symbol of the final agenda (A/59/250). In cases where agenda items on the original preliminary agenda are not included in the provisional or final agenda, the authority records for the original agenda are kept, but they are not used in indexing; only the final agenda authority records are attached to bibliographic records.

Security Council

Since the Security Council has no agenda document, agenda authority records are created by recording the document series symbol S/ and session number in field 191 $a, a sequential agenda item number between square brackets in 191 $b, and a subject heading in 191 $d.


191 3 0 $a S/59 $b [120] $d IRAQ-KUWAIT SITUATION

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Last updated: 18 June 2009