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This is an EXAMPLE. Keep the existing sections/sub-sections while you can add as many lines under sub-sections as necessary. ANNEX II - PROJECT BUDGET@Training of 200 leaders and 300 community educators : Transport HMonthly radio discussion forums: Travel (5 participants/ broadcast x15$)transfer.Stationery (Training of local partners' staff):Stationery (Training of leaders and community educators )TableunitDeskChairsPrinter+Transfers & Grants to Implementing PartnersProgramme Support CostsWebsite:Maintenance FeeMonthVenue hire (per day)Venue hire (per training)Project Title: please completeUNDEF Project Number:Implementing Agency: Section 6 - Total: Section 7 - Total: Section 5 - Total: Section 4 - Total: Section 3 - Total: Section 2 - Total: Section 1 - Total: $Meals during event for facilitators 2Lunch during event ($10 x 50 participants/meeting)Meals during event($5 x 5 days)&Meals during event ($5 x 5 trainings)%Meals during event ($5 x 5 trainings)RVenue Hire, Meals during event, Refreshment and other activity-based related costs1.1/1.2 =Small grants to local monitoring initiatives to youth groups PParticipation to awareness events (A total of 100 participants, 10 per district) Subtotal 6a Subtotal 6b: Subtotal 6c: Subtotal 6d:?Small grants to awareness camaingn initiatives by women groups :Participants in workshops, seminars, study tours & Fellows T-Shirt for awareness campaigns iCommunity-based focus group discussions: Production of discussion guide for 250 community-based educators)5Counselling sessions: Production of counselling guide*Stationery Training of (100 youth leaders) JPer diem for 1 staff (Regional project officer) attending event in XX townJPer diem for 1 consultant (counseling sessions) attending event in XX town;Monthly radio discussion fora (1 per month = 24 broadcasts)-Monthly media releases: Design and PublishingRCommunity-based public discussions (conducted by 500 facilitators in 7 districts )#EQuarterly stakeholder review meetings (8 meetings x 50 participants) &<Training of local partners' staff (5 days x 40 participants)"=Training of 250 leaders and 250 community educators (5 days) 4*Training of 100 youth leaders (5 training)FTraining of 100 newly elected local government officials (5 trainings)9eContract with implementing partner XX to conduct surveys and analysis according to Terms of ReferenceEquipment and FurnitureProject video camera accommodationY2 financial Report Certifications during project lifecycle + End of Project Audit Report)All'Stationery $3 x 50 participants/meetingD1 (month 1-8) D2 (month 09-16) D3 (month 17-24)  DisbursementsLEAVE THIS SECTION BLANKProject Management Staffz zn{' |Z||H}h~r&v$  A | l$UcccB ZO DJդۻg0#"k+4=CGPY cd  dMbP?_*+%,&C&N&[4d2?'Q?({Gz?)?M\\nyvm1993\MFP_Queue3E1-668C-4  od10DR8pxuSے0?!K֮$4岝{&}p@6w1kwgFFo@ZrMEu2hQyFlðj8BΖzikM.!`׿FxۏZNj|˹9R΀8DT~5)dYKSj7%  E3=TF'B1N2!('h YV~9ϒiǮR]V!; ~(M:YbWfRzDe1\ᆴQjF֡LqB;֍̔9};pYKHG_yD.JZ>'0䉇C<;6L>䚝>y2PLуѕ얘)LGq΃xV ,吾JSȐ Of." .(h~ Z~Y@ Z~~ Z~8@Z@[ZZ` LLZN~ Z @Z ~ Z @Z ~ Z @ZZ@[ZZ` -BZ[ [1[_ [*V~ [~Q@ [~~ [~8@[@@\Z[N~ [ @[ ~ [ @[ ~ [ @[[@@\Z[\ \1\_ \'~ \{I@ \~~ \~8@\@]Z\N~ \ y@\ ~ \ y@\ ~ \ y@\\@]Z\] ]1]_ ]|(~ ]~D@ ]~~ ]~8@]@^Z]N~ ] t@] ~ ] t@] ~ ] t@]]@^Z]^ ^1^_ ^|)~ ^~>@ ^~~ ^~8@^@_Z^N~ ^ n@^ ~ ^ n@^ ~ ^ n@^^@_Z^_ _1__ _|*~ _~N@ _~~ _~8@_@`Z_N~ _ ~@_ ~ _ ~@_ ~ _ ~@__@`Z_` `1`` `|B~ `~N@ `~~ `~8@`@cZ`N~ ` ~@` ~ ` ~@` ~ ` ~@``@cZ`a1_|~~~#a8@f %Z`aNa @a a aa -a a @a a a a @aa a#a8@a %Z` Sa b b^ bA bc cc_ c^~ c{y@ c~~ c~@!c@@d DcDccN~ c @@c #c@@d %cc Bcddffffff@d_ d]~ d{@@ d~~ d~@!dp@e DdDddN~ d @@d ~ d @@d ~ d @@d#dp@h %dd Bde1_|~~~#e@@ %cdeN#e +@@e %cd e #e @@e %cd e #e @@ %cd e#e @@f %cd e f1` fL~ fuu%fl@ DaDefNf p@f f ff LLf f @ f f ff @ff ffl@af f g2 g]6 glR gvNXXXXX hz h h(((!hui DhDhh.#ho %hh Bh i1_ iL} i#iZ %hhgiN#i  %hh gi f#i %hh gi f#i  %hh gif#i %hh iDl*@D0NNN0>,Bn|NN(N "Nj;Dk;Dl;Dm;Dn;Do;Dp;Dq;Dr;Ss,Dt,Du,Dv;Dw;Dx;Dy;Dz;D{;D|;D};D~ID;D;D,DhDYD;D:D;D;S;D;D j2 j]8 jl jvNXXXXX k kd kC ksNcbQbQl l1l_ l|~ l~@ l~~ l@!l@m DlDllN~ l @l ~ l l ~ l l#l@m %ll Blm m1m_ m|~ m~P@ m~~ m?!mP@n DmDmmN~ m P@m ~ m m ~ m m#mP@n %mm Bmn n1n_ n|=~ n~@ n~~ n?!n@o DnDnnN~ n @n ~ n n ~ n n#n@r %nn Bno o1o_ o|l~ o~@o@ o~~ oY?!o@o@p DoDooN~ o @o@o #o@o@l %oo Bo p1_ p puu#p@r %loBpN#p @v %lo Bp O#p zv %lo Bp O#p zv %lo BpO#p@i %lo p q qd qK q,cbQbQr r1re rj~ r{@ r{i~ r{I@!rY@s DrDrrN~ r Y@r #rY@s %rr Brs s1sf s|h~ s~? 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The total grant award should be exactly as specified by UNDEF in their initial notification to the Implementing Agency. (note that M&E costs are 10% of the total project costs, and not 10% of the total grant award) Please note that UNDEF prefers the use of local expertize/resources over international, when they are available. DO NOT MODIFY the Excel budget template, budget line headings, or formulas in any way. UNDEF cannot accept budgets in incorrect/modified templates. Please note green, pink and yellow cells are formulas and should not be altered. Units and quantities have to be clearly specified for each and every budget line, as in this Excel template example. Use column D to provide more details when required. The project budget should be coherent with activities/outputs mentioned in the Project Document (PD) and Work Plan. Conversely, all outputs/activities in the budget should be clearly explained in the PD and included in the Work Plan. For each budget item, please indicate the related output number in column B, as found in section 4 of the PD. E.g. if section 4 of the PD mentions a training workshop as output 2.3, then all costs listed in the budget for this training workshop should include the output number 2.3 in column B. Please note that totals from budget by Input and per Year need to be the same. Finally, amounts (including unit amounts) should be rounded off to the nearest dollar. 1. Staff and other personnel costs a) Salaries on section 1a: maximum 15% of total project costs. Indicate the % of the salary paid by UNDEF project in column D b) Consultants should be budgeted under 1b. Present their honorarium as daily fees The number, title and duration for staff and consultants should be consistent with information in the Project Document. 2. Supplies, Commodities and Materials Include here items such as boxes, cartons, medical supplies (rare to UNDEF propjects). Any printed materials or supplies directly needed for project activities please include in section 6. General purpose office supplies and stationary should go under section 6b Consider if some print materials are not better suited for digital distribution instead Be clear in column D about the calculation of the number of units 3. Equipment and Furniture This section should be modest and stick to direct needs of the project as UNDEF does not support general equipment needs for the organization, only for the project. If the project requires significant equipment costs, these should be explained under the relevant output description in section 4 of the PD. The project may be asked to provide proof of cost estimates. UNDEF does not normally approve the purchase of vehicles. Be clear in column D about the calculation of the number of units 4. Travel Note that this section is divided in three sub sections (4a, 4b and 4c) depending on who is the traveler. Include here transport, per diem, accommodation and other direct costs of travel. Compensation for meals while travelling can be included here (as per diem), but do not include meals served during project activities such as workshops (those meals should go under section 6a) Be clear in column D about the calculation of the number of units, means of transport, and if you are giving a monetary compensation or actually paying for a travel ticket. Travel costs should be reasonable and consistent. For example, use the same per diem rate for all travel to the same location. 5. Contractual Services Include here contracts with companies (not individual consultants) that will deliver a service for the project, for example the production of a TV show, maintaining a website, or carrying out a household survey. Include one total amount per company contracted (even if they provide several services) and explain the services briefly in column D. 6. General operating and other direct costs a) Incl<ude here training materials, print outs, stationary kits, communication materials and other physical products directly needed for project activities. Include also costs for meeting venues including refreshments, sound/visual equipment rental b) Office related overheads (section 6b +6d) should be maximum 5% of total project costs. (e.g. utilities, bank fees and charges, phone/internet etc.) c) Audit costs are mandatory as 3 financial reports will need to be audited (section 6c), keep in mind the final financial report needs to be accompanied by a complete audit report document (not just stamped statement). d) Include bank fees related to receiving the 3 international transfers UNDEF will make under section 6d. Other general bank fees can be included under 6b. 7. Transfers & Grants to Implementing Partners a) If you plan on transferring a specific amount of funds to your implementing partners to carry out activities include this under section 7a and indicate a cost breakdown of the transfers. If you plan onexpending directly for all costs of activities implemented by the partner implementation then include each cost under its respective budget section. b) If you plan on providing sub-grants to participants include those under section 7b Budgets that are incomplete, inconsistent with the PD or not in the right format will delay approval of the project document In order to calculate the three disbursement columns (D1, D2 and D3): Refer to the specific milestone 2 and milestone 3 events you have selected in the Project Document (see section 9 of the DP): Given that milestone 2 is set to occur in month 8, and milestone 3 is set to occur in month 16: The D1 column should include all costs that will occur from month 1 through the end of month 8. The D2 column should include all costs that will occur from month 9 through the end of month 16. The D3 column should include all costs that will occur from month 17 through month 24. Please thoroughly check that the division of costs among D1, D2 and D3 is in line with the timing of activities/outputs as described in the Project Document section 4 and in the Work Plan (Annex II). <8"9#:?;@:A:B:;::<:<:<;::<;:::b<<=<:::O<<::<:<*:<::<=:=:::l:n;o:;<<<>?<;<<<;<b;c<;:;::;< <<< ; <d ;e < ; : ; <g ;h <k ;l < ; < ; : ; <% ;& <w ;x <9 ;: < ; <e;f:g;h:;<S;T<;:;:;<}:<<<<<?>I?J<;<{;|<~<<;:;:H;I<<<'<(<8<n<;<<;:<;:;:<;<+<E;F<;<:<; <E:h<i;j<:<;;:;>O@PZP  @qܣACTwniK@=$)&[4d2?'Q?({Gz?)?M Lexmark E360d&C odXXLetter,DINU"T0!&!SMTJLexmark 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