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Translation of Correspondence 
on the Meditation Room, 
United Nations Headquarters

New York, 
26 November 1957 
Dear Per, 

Thank you for your letter of 21 November regarding the carpet. 

After further consideration, we have now determined that the most appropriate solution would be to cover only part of the floor of the Meditation Room with a carpet, that is, the entrance and the area up to the barrier which has been reserved for the public. We intend to keep the slate floor in the rest of the space as it is. The surface to be covered by the carpet is indicated in the attached floor plan, in which this area has been described in detail and marked with red lines. For the sake of precision, the dimensions have also been given in centimetres. A small memo with some weaving instructions (figures 3 and 4) is also enclosed. As previously agreed, the border of the carpet should follow the walls and the curve along the barrier. 

I should therefore be grateful if you would contact Handarbetets Vänner [the Friends of Handicraft] to confirm the order as above, and ask them to complete the work as soon as possible. 

Payment for the part of the carpet already delivered will be made to them soonest according to their wishes.

Warmest regards, 
Mr. Per Lind, Director 
Foreign Ministry Stockholm 
Events of 1953 Events of 1954 Events of 1955 Events of 1956 Events of 1957 Events of 1958 Events of 1959 Events of 1960 Events of 1961